- 2
issue with simple #define
#510 opened by jw3126 - 1
Is it possible to handle headers with `__float128`?
#509 opened by Gnimuc - 7
Troubles parsing a C++ project with Clang.jl v0.18.0 and julia v1.11 (llvm 16)
#482 opened by giordano - 3
`GeneralPrinter` is slow
#501 opened by Gnimuc - 1
- 0
There is no definition for dispatch_data_t
#498 opened by Gnimuc - 0
LLVM 17(Julia 1.12) support
#493 opened by Gnimuc - 7
`auto_mutability` doesn't take structs into account
#490 opened by VarLad - 5
Forward declaration of struct defined in dependency causes duplicate code generation
#489 opened by Octogonapus - 1
Shards regression in 0.18
#486 opened by Octogonapus - 12
Documentation references are generated for symbols which are not documented
#478 opened by Octogonapus - 2
failed to setup environment due to missing dirs
#375 opened by mkitti - 1
Unexpected assertion error: ERROR: AssertionError: length(child_nodes) == length(fields)
#429 opened by Roger-luo - 6
- 7
Unsure how to handle JLL dependencies
#484 opened by Octogonapus - 9
Incorrect handling of TypedefFunction
#454 opened by stensmo - 7
In get_system_shard_key() BoundsError: attempt to access 2-element Vector{String} at index []
#450 opened by emmt - 2
- 2
- 4
Support for `using`
#430 opened by vchuravy - 2
get_default_args fails on 1.10
#471 opened by tbeason - 3
- 1
warning for `library_name`
#476 opened by ViralBShah - 0
Unable to install Clang.jl on Julia master for 1.11-dev - needs new libLLVM_jll
#464 opened by ViralBShah - 2
Conflicting `enum` and `#define` identifiers make a translated header cause `invalid redefinition of constant`
#467 opened by topolarity - 1
- 1
Resource failed
#457 opened by Blumenkranz - 0
- 1
const array breaks StructMutualRef
#452 opened by domluna - 3
Support hint sizes of arrays
#444 opened by zaikunzhang - 2
- 1
Unhandle type c"CXType_Int128": __int128
#439 opened by MitchellWeg - 2
- 0
generating julia wrapper for C library
#434 opened by AbhimanyuAryan - 2
size_t wrongly translated to Cint
#417 opened by SimonDanisch - 11
Creating bindings for libwinit
#412 opened by VarLad - 2
Support `_Atomic`
#394 opened by Gnimuc - 4
- 10
Bug introduced in Clang.jl v0.16.6
#405 opened by ranocha - 1
- 1
- 4
C_LONG_LONG and C_INT64_T represented as Clong
#399 opened by amontoison - 3
`__restrict not defined` Error
#400 opened by JBlaschke - 0
Support variable array function parameters
#396 opened by Gnimuc - 8
Various non-valid Julia code output
#382 opened by fredrikekre - 4
MIOpen generator fails
#387 opened by pxl-th - 5
Respect `output_ignorelist` for macro definitions
#380 opened by sloede - 3
Error when parsing alignas(64)
#381 opened by DragonL - 2
problem with `resolve_dependency!(dag::ExprDAG, node::ExprNode{<:AbstractMacroNodeType, options)`
#376 opened by jkozdon - 3
what is pure definition macro?
#374 opened by johnnychen94