Metadata for registered Julia packages up to Julia v0.6. No longer maintained. Please see https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General instead.
- 12
Security of unencrypted git:// protocol
#7495 opened by nullchinchilla - 4
StructuralEstimation.jl and friends
#7549 opened by pkofod - 7
- 3
Access to JuliaCIBot
#10560 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 12
Packages with resource address purged.
#15100 opened by Nosferican - 1
Check that minimum Julia version is actually tested
#17130 opened by dpsanders - 1
Case sensitivity package names
#19739 opened by haampie - 2
- 2
METADATA abandoned (?)
#22914 opened by rapus95 - 0
- 2
Registered packages that no longer exist
#22421 opened by omus - 0
Using `http` protocol over `git`
#15091 opened by Nosferican - 3
Updating repository URL
#15092 opened by Nosferican - 1
Register new package UnionFind.jl
#21246 opened by epatters - 1
Remove Currencies and CurrenciesBase
#21664 opened by EricForgy - 0
Grassmann.jl: KeyError: key "git-tree-sha1" not found
#21695 opened by chakravala - 5
MAT.jl v0.4.0 should not be installable on Julia v1
#20430 opened by jaakkor2 - 4
Accidental verson published
#20515 opened by haydenfree - 2
- 0
- 1
Latest julia version is 0.7.0-DEV (unstable). Should be 1.x.x
#19868 opened by houd1ni - 1
Project.toml + REQUIRE?
#19416 opened by phipsgabler - 5
Naming a Julia package
#8485 opened by geauxdojang - 2
Yahoo API Bug
#19240 opened by dysonance - 3
Set environment variable CI=true in JuliaCIBot?
#18630 opened by tkf - 0
uncap Mongoc
#18255 opened by felipenoris - 1
README.md needs an updated Pkg manual URL
#17941 opened by rickhg12hs - 1
Wondering about pull request
#15603 opened by marcpabst - 5
Pkg.update() gives errors for older versions of Julia
#10873 opened by TheOriginalSoni - 1
- 2
Allow use to sort packages dynamically
#13324 opened by goerz - 1
Long open pull request
#13270 opened by RandomString123 - 5
Can publish due to `DiffEqDevTools v0.7.0 – no valid versions exist for package DiffBase`
#12139 opened by dlfivefifty - 2
- 5
Removing packages
#11200 opened by rennis250 - 7
UndefVarError: DynamicalODEProblem not defined
#12292 opened by JoeMcEwen - 2
Registering a new package "Signals.jl"
#12215 opened by TsurHerman - 25
PkgDev.publish() : packages with unsatisfiable requirements found: Mads v0.3.3 – no valid versions exist for package FileIO
#8005 opened by chkwon - 4
Add Pkg.status() output to JuliaCIBot
#11125 opened by davidanthoff - 3
- 7
#10674 opened by samoconnor - 1
Pkg.add() does not add latest version of Nemo/Hecke
#9196 opened by thofma - 8
Failure to run PkgDev.publish()
#8740 opened by richardreeve - 4
disable squash merge?
#7326 opened by simonbyrne - 3
CLRF -> LF endings problem with METADATA
#8985 opened by tlnagy - 2
Changing already tagged version
#8853 opened by thofma - 6
Broken packages
#8661 opened by juliohm - 3
Process for tagging LightGraphs 1.0.0
#8454 opened by sbromberger - 1
- 1