- adrhillTU Berlin
- AIxer
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- awadell1University of Michigan
- ayush45
- Baby8093girl
- CarloLucibelloBocconi University
- cb-g
- cjdoris@alan-turing-institute
- davibarreiraDoutorando em Matemática Aplicada
- dermesserZurich Instruments AG
- Dsantra92@unifyai and @mindwebs
- eliascarvArpeggeo®
- findmywaySoftware Engineer @01-ai (We're hiring)
- frankfanslcFatpipe Networks
- gdalleEPFL
- gkoeb
- iblislinChina Medical University Hospital
- jgreener64MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- kpa28-git
- KronosTheLate
- ksmintas
- Leticia-maria@JuliaChemicalReactions, @HartreeFoca
- lorenzoh
- lucylownon trivial
- Nakamin7
- NFSturmLisbon
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- rbnx
- Saransh-cpp@UCL-ARC, @UCL
- stemannHafnium Labs
- tylerjthomas9
- whilo@lambdaforge
- yeruoforever
- yl4070
- zsz00beijing