Julia solvers for systems of nonlinear equations and mixed complementarity problems
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Code optimization documentation
#289 opened by jamblejoe - 0
Incorrect solution for infeasible MCP
#288 opened by lassepe - 4
- 0
Question: NLsolve.fixedpoint()
#285 opened by jakob-ditfurth - 0
A way to specify relative error tolerances?
#283 opened by dominikkiese - 1
Setting a time limit
#275 opened by rconnorjohnstone - 0
Allow ReverseDiff Propagation
#281 opened by taylormcd - 2
Discrepancy of NLsolve with Mathematica
#239 opened by dkiese1 - 3
- 2
No support for non-square problems?
#270 opened by lieskjur - 2
Permission request
#279 opened by RJDennis - 5
- 2
#277 opened by ccmejia - 0
Test https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02089
#276 opened by oscardssmith - 5
Anderson instability example
#273 opened by niklasschmitz - 2
add nlsolve method for scalar functions?
#272 opened by stevengj - 7
Redirect to Roots.jl for scrubs like myself
#264 opened by KronosTheLate - 0
Non-convergance of simple goniometric functions
#269 opened by lieskjur - 1
fixedpoint doesn't work with autodiff
#268 opened by amrods - 0
- 1
First example in Readme does not work
#266 opened by benjaminfreyd - 2
TagBot trigger issue
#261 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
StackOverflowError on @printf at overloaded Base.show(io::IO, r::SolverResults) when using DualNumbers
#258 opened by jibaneza - 8
API to access trace
#246 opened by floswald - 3
Cannot `nlsolve` with `MArray`
#254 opened by charleskawczynski - 2
Unsatisfiable requirements
#253 opened by Fiorencio - 2
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type CartesianIndex{3} to an object of type Int64
#233 opened by antoine-levitt - 7
Incompatibility with CuArrays
#234 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 4
Can call to mul! in newton.ls saved ?
#245 opened by amartinhuertas - 3
Non-allocating api using StaticVectors
#238 opened by albop - 3
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UndefRefError with BigFloat
#247 opened by protogeezer - 3
x can become NaN
#235 opened by jwscook - 5
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Bizarre Bug
#241 opened by janrpeters - 2
UndefRefError: access to undefined reference
#236 opened by PearsonCHEN - 3
DiffEqDiffTools -> FiniteDiff
#229 opened by ikosmidis - 5
Fixedpoint returns wrong result
#231 opened by bertschi - 1
don't propagate non-finite residuals
#230 opened by tpapp - 1
SolverResults console display bad for large dimensions
#226 opened by jiahao - 1
MArray inputs cause NaNs
#228 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 15
Sparsity with SparseDiffTools
#219 opened by matthieugomez - 0
Remove `ldiv!` piracy
#227 opened by antoine-levitt - 3
Variants of Anderson Acceleration
#224 opened by pkofod - 3
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How to solve equations given in a vector form?
#218 opened by homocomputeris - 2
Rename xtol, ftol to x_tol, f_tol?
#215 opened by amrods - 5
How to cite
#213 opened by BeastyBlacksmith