Automatically update the [compat] entries for your Julia package's dependencies
Pinned issues
- 0
- 4
The "second push" (`force_ci_trigger()`) incorrectly pushes to the HTTPS remote, and as a result, Github Actions CI is not started for CompatHelper PRs
#500 opened by benegee - 0
- 1
Errors on Stdlib packages
#503 opened by rossviljoen - 0
- 0
Duplicate PRs for weakdeps
#497 opened by jishnub - 2
How to run the unit tests on CompatHelper PRs?
#496 opened by sloisel - 0
- 3
Feature request: open PRs to update compat entries for weak dependencies (`[weakdeps]`)
#452 opened by prbzrg - 1
- 0
Private key is not in the correct format
#475 opened by Vilin97 - 0
- 3
- 3
[FR] Ignore a given package
#404 opened by theogf - 0
- 1
- 1
Why clone once per subdir?
#442 opened by ericphanson - 1
- 2
CompatHelper stopped working on Bokeh.jl
#428 opened by cjdoris - 2
Don't bump compat for equality specifiers
#444 opened by mortenpi - 1
- 0
We should improve our fork check
#445 opened by DilumAluthge - 3
GH Action tests are not triggered by CompatHelper PR 2
#409 opened by fonsp - 6
CompatHelper on GHA: Started erroring with pkg_server_registry_url not defined
#437 opened by kellertuer - 0
- 1
run fails for lack of permissions
#416 opened by tpapp - 0
Using org-level DOCUMENTER_KEY
#410 opened by timholy - 1
Document how to deal with GitHub disabling CompatHelper workflows after 60 days of inactivity
#405 opened by JeffFessler - 2
suggest adding missing compat entries in bulk
#403 opened by st-- - 0
Updating dependencies that depend on each other
#402 opened by shashi - 5
GH Action tests are not triggered by CompatHelper PR
#387 opened by fonsp - 1
Use existing registries instead of cloning?
#395 opened by ericphanson - 2
Custom private registries support
#396 opened by SebastianM-C - 12
Avoid multiple PRs suggesting the same change
#399 opened by jishnub - 0
Detect if we're in a fork
#400 opened by fchorney - 4
suddenly broken?
#397 opened by rkurchin - 6
Compat Helper Spams.
#378 opened by mattBrzezinski - 2
Unwarranted PR for subdir package
#383 opened by timholy - 6
- 1
- 0
Add version bumping option to docstring
#386 opened by ericphanson - 2
CompatHelper v3.0.0 - GitHub action fail with ERROR: Private key is not in the correct format.
#381 opened by ylvain - 0
- 0
Feature request: support subdir regex?
#348 opened by devmotion - 0
[FR] Include clickable link to package (changelog)
#345 opened by fonsp - 2
- 1
- 0
Some documentation on `dep_to_current_compat_entry_verbatim`, `dep_to_current_compat_entry`, `deps_with_missing_compat_entry`, and `dep_to_latest_version`
#333 opened by DilumAluthge - 0
CompatHelper opens PRs to bump to e.g. "2.0" or "2.1", instead of just "2"
#329 opened by DilumAluthge - 1
[FR] The ability to tell CompatHelper "please don't open this PR for another `X` days"
#328 opened by DilumAluthge