A reinforcement learning package for Julia
Pinned issues
- 20
ReinforcementLearning.jl v0.12
#1061 opened by jeremiahpslewis - 2
Wrong style for state report for TicTacToeEnv()
#1079 opened by hespanha - 0
Needless allocations in reward() and is_terminated() for
#1080 opened by hespanha - 4
Does it allow defining an environment that has continuous action space? And how?
#1078 opened by WuSiren - 10
It's not feasible to update the Q-based value agent in large steps for the RandomWalk1D() environment.
#1068 opened by Van314159 - 5
No method matching iterate ArrayProductDomain
#1074 opened by ZdM87 - 1
Algorithm implementations
#1070 opened by johannes-fischer - 2
Overspecific types in built-in policies and algorithms
#1066 opened by dharux - 7
ElasticArraySARTSTraces does not record the trajectories of `MountainCarEnv()` correctly
#1067 opened by Van314159 - 4
Update Website, fix broken references / issues
#1060 opened by jeremiahpslewis - 1
MultithreadedEnvs and Trajectories
#920 opened by HenriDeh - 4
- 0
Missing features in RLCore
#961 opened by HenriDeh - 1
- 4
Loading a Gym Environment
#912 opened by EliottEccidio - 3
- 2
experiments failed
#982 opened by Yue-Wang-qvp - 0
TicTacToeEnv allows illegal moves
#1001 opened by colintbowers - 3
- 3
Vectorized environments
#908 opened by sash-a - 3
Spin off core packages
#960 opened by jeremiahpslewis - 0
Breaking the tutorial by getting TotalRewardPerEpisode out of sync with the stopping condition in a `run` call
#1000 opened by colintbowers - 3
PPO with MaskedPPOTrajectory
#917 opened by navaxel - 3
Devmode is not working
#918 opened by Mytolo - 17
Transfer Algorithms to RLFarm
#1028 opened by jeremiahpslewis - 1
Website: A practical introduction to RL: Does not introduce, source code is broken
#1036 opened by joelreymont - 0
- 0
Update Buildkite script for gpu testing so it's sub package compatible
#1030 opened by jeremiahpslewis - 6
Review TabularApproximator
#1039 opened by jeremiahpslewis - 1
Website: How do implement a new algorithm is outdated
#1037 opened by joelreymont - 5
Simple ReinforcementLearning example crashes
#1034 opened by ropewe56 - 15
RL Core tests fail sporadically
#1010 opened by joelreymont - 2
CI: Should spell check be dropped or fixed?
#1026 opened by joelreymont - 6
Tutorial OpenSpiel KuhnOpenNSFP fails
#1024 opened by finmod - 0
GPU Compile error on PPO with MaskedPPOTrajectory
#1007 opened by qwjyh - 1
RL Env tests fail with latest OpenSpiel patches
#1011 opened by joelreymont - 1
params() is no longer supported in Flux
#996 opened by halyusuf25 - 4
Fixing SAC Policy
#970 opened by gggoes - 0
- 6
LoadError: UndefVarError: `params` not defined
#882 opened by UnnamedMoose - 0
Prioritised DQN failing on GPU
#973 opened by CasBex - 5
Prioritized DQN experiment nonfunctional
#971 opened by CasBex - 1
Can implement this ARZ algorithm ?
#965 opened by zsz00 - 0
AssertionError: action in env.action_space
#967 opened by ZdM87 - 0
EpisodeSampler in Trajectories
#927 opened by HenriDeh - 6
Hook RewardsPerEpisode broken
#945 opened by CasBex - 11
Executing RLBase.plan! after end of experiment
#913 opened by Mytolo - 4
Contribute Neural Fitted Q-iteration algorithm
#895 opened by CasBex - 1
PPo policy experiments failing
#910 opened by EliottEccidio - 2
Rename update! to push!
#883 opened by jeremiahpslewis