
My personal emacs configuration. This is not a starter kit.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Personal Emacs configuration


There comes a time when one needs to start again with one's Emacs configuration.

I've been a happy user of Prelude since I started using Emacs, but it's large and supports languages I don't use and doesn't support some of the ones I do. So I've declared Emacs Bankruptcy and I'm starting again.

This is a single file. Most starter packages have there code laid out in modules for easy customisation. From looking around, it seems that people who write their own init files do so in a single.file

Normally, I would break up my programs into separate modules, but I've taken to writing everything in one file so that. I only have one place to look for customizations.


Install Emacs

Install Emacs Plus. For MacOS this can be installed through

brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus

This isn't using any of the available options for the moment.q

Install spell checking support

brew install hunspell

in ~/Library/Spelling/ install the required dictionaries

get http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/dictionaries/plain/en/en_GB.aff get http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/dictionaries/plain/en/en_GB.dic

Make sure that the files are correctly named

Running (getenv "LANG") on my setup shows that the installed language is "en_GB" so there is no need to create symlinks for the dictionary names to match as some web documentation recommends.

This seems to be the recommended way to install emacs. For formulae that build .app targets linkapps doesn't work so well.

Clone The Repo

Clone the repo and make the output be the .emacs.d directory.

git clone https://github.com/JungleCandy/ygg-emacs.git .emacs.d

Run emacs

Launching Emacs, while there is an active network connection will allow the initial set of packages to be downloaded. After that it's use as normal.


Of course, we all stand on the shoulders of giants, so I'm currently looking at these dotfiles and I'm stealing taking inspiration from their approaches:


GPL v3, obviously.

Default main branch

The default for this repository is main not master.

If you were previously tracking master follow these steps to transition

  1. Go to the master branch

    git checkout master

  2. Rename master to main locally

    git branch -m master main

  3. Make sure you have all the latest commits from the upstream

    git fetch

  4. Remove the tracking link to master

    git branch --unset-upstream

  5. Add track the new default branch

    git branch -u origin/main

  6. Update the default branch to be origin/main

    git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/head refs/remotes/origin/main