adventure in swift world ~
npm install in the root directory
npm run start if you need to start react native server
meanwhile if you need to set up in your phone, you need to set the server in info.plist
cd ios, run pod install
start xcworkspace,open the project
if you meet can not find <RCTAnimation/RCTValueAnimatedNode.h>,see the solution here
- LocalAuthorization:授权相关实践
- Vision:Core ML + Vision框架
- MJRefresh实践的是Swift导入OC的第三方库
- Runtime Runloop 实际依靠的是OC
- RN是实践的是Swift模块引入RN、RN使用swift版原生、UI、消息
- MixProgramming是Swift对OC+C的混合编程
- CoreGraphic是对CG的简单使用
- 其他内容为辅助内容,属于对知识点的巩固
- ttf字体读取和使用