
Web frontend to search and view family trees from One Hour One Life lifelog data (on a separate server)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

One Hour One Life Family Tree Viewer

Web UI searching characters and displaying family tree graphs from a life data server.

Depends on a server ohol-data-server which also uses ohol-family-trees


Built using Elm

I often have often have the data server changed locally. Copy src/Config.elm.example to src/Config.elm and update as needed.

My build command:

`elm make src/FamilyTreeViewer.elm --output public/family-tree-viewer.js

bin/monitor.bat has a command using the watch CLI

Once built, public/index.html can be opened locally from the filesystem, or set up for a local or internet server as you wish.


Icons: IcoMoon - Free (CC BY 4.0)