Justus Thies is heading the independent research group 'Neural Capture & Synthesis' at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent SystemsTübingen, Germany
JustusThies's Followers
- standardgalacticXanadu
- wei-intelGOOGLE
- nitrosparkTU Munich / @TUM-Dev
- lmariscal@Ubisoft
- wqleviMax Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
- wghouNone
- GZhonghuiOsaka University
- nobuyuki83The University of Tokyo
- QuentinRiviereFrance
- helincao618Bonn
- fishfishsonHongKong
- sabyaghossh
- jinyixin621
- zhangziliang04北京
- DonJon86
- TeogeSurreal
- rkapdiVictoria
- cumsoftcumsoft
- RanDing2000Munich, Germany
- cjeenThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Huni0318Unist
- aishootEECS, Peking University
- roflmaostcEPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- ledao
- tianyu06030020
- melody-rain
- Qiulin-WY-tech, KuaiShou
- zjjxzdg