[ECCV 2022] Flow-Guided Transformer for Video Inpainting

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

[ECCV 2022] Flow-Guided Transformer for Video Inpainting


This repository contains the implementation of the following paper:

Flow-Guided Transformer for Video Inpainting
Kaidong Zhang, Jingjing Fu and Dong Liu
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022


We propose a flow-guided transformer, which innovatively leverage the motion discrepancy exposed by optical flows to instruct the attention retrieval in transformer for high fidelity video inpainting. More specially, we design a novel flow completion network to complete the corrupted flows by exploiting the relevant flow features in a local temporal window. With the completed flows, we propagate the content across video frames, and adopt the flow-guided transformer to synthesize the rest corrupted regions. We decouple transformers along temporal and spatial dimension, so that we can easily integrate the locally relevant completed flows to instruct spatial attention only. Furthermore, we design a flow-reweight module to precisely control the impact of completed flows on each spatial transformer. For the sake of efficiency, we introduce window partition strategy to both spatial and temporal transformers. Especially in spatial transformer, we design a dual perspective spatial MHSA, which integrates the global tokens to the window-based attention. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method qualitatively and quantitatively.

Todo list

  • Test the video frame extrapolation results.
  • Update the real-world results.
  • Update the website and make the demo videos


  • Linux (We tested our codes on Ubuntu20.04)
  • Anaconda
  • Python 3.6.8
  • Pytorch 1.10.1

To get started, first please clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/hitachinsk/FGT.git

Then, please run the following commands:

conda create -n FGT
conda activate FGT
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install imageio-ffmpeg

Quick start

  1. Download the pre-trained models, and the data.
  2. Put the downloaded zip files to the root directory of this project
  3. Run bash prepare_data.sh to unzip the files
  4. Run the object removal demo
cd tool
python video_inpainting.py --path data/frames/schoolgirls \
--path_mask data/masks/schoolgirls \
--outroot data/results/schoolgirls

If everythings works, you will find a result.mp4 file in data/results/schoolgirls. And the video should be like:


Our codes follows a two-stage training process. In the first stage, we train the flow completion network (LAFC), and then we train the flow-guided transformer model (FGT). We assume you are at the root directory of this repo.

First, please prepare the dataset for training.

  1. Please download Youtube-VOS 2018 in the official link.
  2. Unzip the Youtube-VOS files to /myData/youtubevos_frames
  3. Extract the flows from Youtube-VOS with RAFT (or other flow extraction methods) and put the extracted files to /myData/youtubevos_flows

Second, train the LAFC model

python train.py

Third, train the FGT model. Since LAFC takes multiple flows as input, the IO cost is huge for the training of FGT model. Therefore, we adopt the 2D version of LAFC (replace all the P3D convolutions to 2D convolutions) to guide the training of FGT. We provide a pretrained model in LAFC/flowCheckpoint, if you want to train this model by yourself, follow the command below.

python train.py --opt train_single.yaml

As for the training of FGT model, run the command below.

cd ../FGT
python train.py


This work is licensed under MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.


If our work inspires your research or some part of the codes are useful for your work, please cite our paper.

Our other video inpainting paper:

    author    = {Zhang, Kaidong and Fu, Jingjing and Liu, Dong},
    title     = {Inertia-Guided Flow Completion and Style Fusion for Video Inpainting},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {5982-5991}


If you have any questions, please contact us via


Some parts of this repo are based on FGVC and Fuseformer.