
Vision software for processing retroreflective tape on a Raspberry Pi 3 using Java utilizing Pi4J and V4L4J communicating over UDP for the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).

Primary LanguageJava


Vision software for processing retroreflective tape on a Raspberry Pi 3 using Java utilizing Pi4J and V4L4J communicating over UDP for the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).

Big Thanks to MOE 365!

Everything under moe.js/ and src/ belong to MOE with only slight modifications from us.

Features and Technique

See this README by MOE for specifics on what the code features and how the image processing works.

What You'll Need

  1. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+ running Raspbian Stretch and Java 8 (via sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk)
  2. Internet Connection for the Pi (initially, for install_dependencies.sh and the first ./gradlew build)
  3. USB Camera (tested with Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000)
  4. Green LED Halo (tested with 60mm)
  5. MOSFET to control the LED Halo
  6. 3M Scotchlite Reflective Tape 8830

Installing The Necessary Dependencies

On the Pi, run the install dependencies shell script file via ./install_dependencies.sh. This will install WiringPi to control the Pi's GPIO pins (e.g., the LED Halo) and V4L4J to control the camera.

Building and Running on the Pi

If you are on the pi, you can use ./gradlew run to run the code directly. You can also run ./gradlew build to run a build. When doing this, the output files will be placed into output/. From there, you can run the shell script via chmod +x runMoePi then ./runMoePi, this will start MoePi with the default configuration values. To see what values you can change/pass in, run java -Djava.library.path=. -jar MoePi-all.jar --help within output/.

Viewing the Camera Feed

When running the code in the output/ folder via ./runMoePi after building the project via ./gradlew build, you can visit http://your-pi's-ip-address:5800 in a web browser to view the camera feed from the Pi.

Setting up MoePi to Run on Boot

For MoePi to run on boot, it must be built under /home/pi/MoePi with the built output/ directory via ./gradlew build (unless you create your own service file and configure it for systemctl yourself). You can then use the script service_manager.sh:

./service_manager.sh argument

install - installs MoePi service and enables start on boot
start - starts MoePi via systemctl (service must be installed)
stop - stops MoePi via systemctl (service must be installed)
enable - enables MoePi to start on boot (service must be installed)
disable - disables MoePi from starting on boot (service must be installed)
uninstall - completely removes MoePi service from systemctl

Generating the .classpath for your IDE/Editor

Run ./gradlew eclipse