
Ros GUI for webpages through flexx

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


ROS webpage GUIs through flexx. Full documentation at https://nilsbore.github.io/flexxros-docs/ .

flexxros aims to make it dead easy to create small web interfaces for ROS using only python.


pip3 install flexx rospkg
pip3 install tornado==5

flexxros includes the excellent rospy_message_converter tool, including some patches for python 3. Their work is gratefully acknowledged.


rosrun flexxros example.py

This will present a webpage on http://localhost:8097/.

Example application

The following script demonstrates a simple publish-subscribe application using flexxros. It is identical to example.py in the scripts folder.

from flexx import flx, config
from flexxros import node
from flexxros.node import ROSNode, ROSWidget

class PublishSubscribeWidget(ROSWidget):

    def callback(self, msg):

    def _send_message(self, *events):
        self.publish("/test_topic", {"data": self.type_message.text})

    def init(self):
        with flx.FormLayout(flex=1, maxsize=400):
            self.type_message = flx.LineEdit(title="Message to send:", text="")
            self.send_message = flx.Button(text="Publish message")
            self.receive_message = flx.Label(title="Received message:", text="Waiting for message...")

        self.announce_publish("/test_topic", "std_msgs/String")
        self.subscribe("/test_topic", "std_msgs/String", self.callback)

class ExampleInterface(ROSNode):

    def init(self):
        self.main_widget = PublishSubscribeWidget()

config.hostname = "localhost"
config.port = 8097
node.init_and_spin("example_interface", ExampleInterface)

Action service example

The action service example is the same as in scripts/action_example.py. It presents an interface similar to the default axclient.py version.

from flexx import config
from flexxros import node
from flexxros.node import ROSNode
from flexxros.widgets import ROSActionClientWidget
from flexxros.msg import TestAction, TestFeedback, TestResult
import rospy
import actionlib

node_name = "action_example_interface"
config.hostname = "localhost"
config.port = 8097

class ActionServer(object):

    _feedback = TestFeedback()
    _result = TestResult()

    def __init__(self, name):
        self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(name, TestAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False)

    def execute_cb(self, goal):
        self._feedback.data = "Got " + goal.data + ", started running..."
        self._feedback.data = "Almost done..."
        self._result.data = "Success with " + goal.data + "!"

class ActionExampleInterface(ROSNode):

    def init(self):
        self.client = ROSActionClientWidget(node_name, "flexxros/Test")

rospy.init_node(node_name, anonymous=True)
server = ActionServer(node_name)

Service example

The action service example is the same as in scripts/service_example.py.

from flexx import flx, config
from flexxros import node
from flexxros.node import ROSNode, ROSWidget
import rospy
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool, SetBoolResponse

node_name = "action_example_interface"
service_name = "simple_service"
config.hostname = "localhost"
config.port = 8097

class SimpleService(object):

    def __init__(self, service_name):
        self.service = rospy.Service(service_name, SetBool, self.handle_request)

    def handle_request(self, req):
        return SetBoolResponse(req.data, "flexxros!")

class ServiceClientWidget(ROSWidget):

    def callback(self, resp):
        self.receive_message.set_text(str(resp.success) + " " + resp.message)

    def _request_service(self, *events):
        self.call_service(service_name, "std_srvs/SetBool", {"data": self.type_message.checked}, self.callback)

    def init(self):
        with flx.FormLayout(flex=1, maxsize=400):
            self.type_message = flx.CheckBox(title="Checked?")
            self.send_message = flx.Button(text="Request service")
            self.receive_message = flx.Label(title="Response:", text="Waiting for response...")

class ServiceExampleInterface(ROSNode):

    def init(self):
        self.client = ServiceClientWidget()

rospy.init_node(node_name, anonymous=True)
service = SimpleService(service_name)