
Imgui interface for ROS implemented in WASM C++

Primary LanguageC++


roswasm_webgui is a library for writing web GUIs for ROS using roswasm and imgui. It also provides example web interfaces, one of which is used for our underwater robot. The resulting web pages are built using wasm and have been tested using Chrome and Firefox.

The code has been adapted from the WebGui example by jnmaloney.

The latest rosbridge_suite is needed to get the effective cbor-raw encoding when subscribing to messages in the browser.

Package dependencies

You will need to get the latest rosbridge_suite (see below). But to get all its dependencies, it's easiest to just install the binary package first:

sudo apt install ros-melodic-rosbridge-suite

For some reason, I've seen problems where you also need to install the bson and tornado python libraries. These should already be pulled in by the above command. If not, do:

sudo apt install python-bson python-tornado

Running the example with std_msgs

First clone the latest rosbridge_suite to your catkin workspace:

git clone https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite

Then compile that aswell as this package within the catkin workspace, source and launch using

roslaunch roswasm_webgui example.launch

Then navigate to localhost:8080 to the see the webpage.

If you want to get some more interesting stuff to play with, try launching with mon launch instead. roswasm_webgui has good facilities for remote launching using this tool. The example tmux startup script demonstrates how the tool can be used to remotely start up a system.

Running with SAM custom ROS msgs (for sim and AUV)

First clone the latest rosbridge_suite to your catkin workspace:

git clone https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite

Then compile that aswell as this package within the catkin workspace, source and launch using

roslaunch roswasm_webgui sam_webgui.launch namespace:=sam1

Then navigate to localhost:8080 to the see the webpage. If you want the page on SAM's computer(the jetson/xavier) with IP is SAM's IP) to be accessible from another computer(this is the computer on your lap) on the network, you have to provide another parameter:

roslaunch roswasm_webgui sam_webgui.launch rosbridge_ip:= namespace:=sam1

You will then be able to access the page from another computer on the network at the address

NOT NEEDED FOR RUNNING! Building the packages

To build the wasm files that are served by this package, you need to download, activate and source the emscripten sdk. The code has been tested with version 1.39.10 of emscripten.

Then, you need to get the roswasm submodule by typing git submodule init --update within this folder. If you just want to build the example with std_msgs, simply build it inside this folder by typing make. For the AUV specific page, you need to also clone sam_common and build the package, and also replace the hardcoded include path in the make file. To build the AUV specific file, type make sam.