
Path planner from papalotis converted to our pipeline for testing

Primary LanguagePython


Example of generic package development of DV pipeline packages. You should create a new repository from this template (by clicking Use this templateCreate a new repository) and replace the content with your own package, source code, and documentation.

Table of Contents



  • Our final pipeline will be constructed using Docker-compose to launch all individual packages. This will be based on the Dockerfiles from each package repo.
  • The ROS master will run in a separate service (container) defined in the Docker-compose, but will be connected through a Docker network.
  • All packages will firstly be built through an entrypoint script and then launched with a launchfile using the command (CMD) instruction in the Docker-compose file.


  • Repository name ending with "_pkg".

  • Main branch always in a deployable state.

  • ROS package must be runnable standalone from other ros nodes without the package nodes crashing.

  • Document what messages and message types are used in the package in the ROS messages markdown file. This is to make it easier to understand the inputs and outputs of the package and to make it easier to integrate with other packages.

  • Dockerfile installs all package dependencies and sets up the workspace directory in a Docker container.

  • Working ROS package that can be built with catkin build using docker-entrypoint.sh, this requires having both package.xml, CMakeLists.txt, aswell as a working launch.launch file in the launch directory (of course, rename this to a suitable name of your package).

  • Docker-compose file builds and launches the package with a launch file specified in the launch directory. The compose must include a master service and connected with a docker network bridge as defined in the template Docker-compose file.

  • Read more about our Software Development Guidelines on the KTHFS wiki.


  • Avoid hard-coding variables and instead utilize configuration files defined in the configuration folder.

  • Incorporating unit testing with github actions to automatically run tests on pull requests.

  • Visualize codebase by adding ![Visualization of the codebase](./diagram.svg) in the README. Note: this diagram is automatically generated on push to the main branch as defined in the Github Action file.


This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a new ROS package and integrate it with Docker using this template.

Creating a package

  1. Choose a suitable Docker base image based on your package's requirements. In many cases, the 'ros-base' image is sufficient. It's preferable to use ROS Noetic, but Melodic is also an option. For packages related to machine learning, consider the dustynv jetpack containers. Ensure that all the package dependencies are installed and set up in the Dockerfile. Also, remember to adjust the ROS_DISTRO variables in accordance with the ROS distribution you're using. Refer to the provided Dockerfile for guidance.
  2. Ensure that the ROS package is complete and can be built using catkin build. This entails adding source code, primarily in C++, to the src directory and incorporating Python scripts in the scripts directory. Additionally, modifications should be made to package.xml, CMakeList.txt, docker-entrypoint.sh, and launch.launch (rename this launchfile to a suitable name of your package). Refer to the provided files and the ROS wiki for guidance.
  3. Update the Docker-compose file. Ensure that the service name aligns with the package's name and modify the launch command to the correct package and launch file name. Also, set the ROS_DISTRO variable appropriately, this is used in the CI workflow. Additionally, if required, include extra mounted volumes in the src directory or adjust other arguments as appropriate.
  4. Test the package compose file using docker-compose up. Make sure that the package in launched correctly, for example with docker exec ros_container source devel/setup.bash && rosservice list. See Usage for further guidance. This testing will soon be encorperated in a CI workflow.
  5. Add a GitHub token to the repository's GitHub secrets. This token should come from an account with access to all submodules utilized in the package build.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Support

The docker-compose.yml includes a noVNC service that enables GUI support through X11 forwarding. The service is based on the theasp/novnc image. The service allows graphical applications to be run in your web browser by connecting to the container's VNC server (default http://localhost:8080/vnc.html).

For example, you might want to run rviz in your ROS container, this solution allows you to do so. To do this, you need to:

  1. Enter the container:

    docker exec -it <container id or name> /bin/bash
  2. Run rviz (or any other GUI application):

  3. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/vnc.html.

You can now interact with the GUI application in your browser for development or for other purposes.


This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to test and deploy the dv-template-package using Docker.


  1. Ensure that the Dockerfile, docker-compose, launch files configuration and environment variables are set up as per the package requirements.

  2. Make sure you have Docker, or another container runtime, along with Docker-compose, installed on your machine. If not, you can get them from here.

Building and Running

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone <your-package-repo-url>
    cd <your-package-repo-name>
  2. Build the Docker Image:

    docker-compose build
  3. Run the Package:

    docker-compose up

    This will run your package and necessary docker containers as described in the docker-compose.yml file. Your ROS package should now be up and running within the Docker environment. If this command is run before docker-compose build, it will automatically perform the building process as well.

  4. To interact or debug within the running container:

    docker exec -it <container id or name> /bin/bash

    To get the name and id of all containers, run:

    docker ps

    To list all containers, including those that have exited, run:

     docker ps -a

Stopping and Cleanup

  1. To stop the running services:

    docker-compose stop
  2. To stop and remove the containers:

     docker-compose down
  3. If you wish to remove the built images to free up space:

    docker rmi <image-name>

Validation and Testing

Testing manually

After launching the package, it's essential to validate its functionality:

  1. Check Package Health:

    docker exec container_name bash -c "source /ws/devel/setup.bash && rosservice list"

    This should list the services exposed by your ROS nodes, indicating they're running correctly.

  2. If unit tests have been integrated, run them to ensure package integrity:

    docker exec container_name <your-test-command>

GitHub CI Workflow

To ensure that the package is functional and can be built successfully, a GitHub CI workflow is included in the repository. This workflow is triggered whenever a pull request is opened, updated, or reopened. The workflow is defined in the .github/workflows/ci.yml file. Below is a brief description of the workflow.


  • The CI workflow gets initiated whenever a pull request (PR) is:
    • Opened
    • Updated (synchronized)
    • Reopened


  1. Check for Essential Files:

    • Ensure the presence of Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml, and docker-entrypoint.sh in the repository.
  2. Docker Operations:

    • After verifying essential files, execute Docker Compose.
  3. Container Health Check:

    • Wait and check if the Docker container is running, with a maximum wait time defined by COMPOSE_UP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.
  4. Build Validation:

    • After a short initial wait (5 seconds), inspect the Docker container for a sentinel file named .CONTAINER_INITIALIZED_PLACEHOLDER indicating build completion. The maximum wait time for this operation is CATKIN_BUILD_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.
  5. ROS Service Verification:

    • Confirm the health and operation of ROS services by checking for the service named rosout by running:
    docker exec container_name bash -c "source devel/setup.bash && rosservice list"


If you encounter difficulties, the logs generated during the Docker-compose build and execution phases are your best first reference. These logs can provide insights into issues such as missing dependencies or other common errors.

Frequently observed challenges include:

  • Launch command in Docker compose not set up correctly to match package name and launch file name.
  • Failure to update the CMakeList.txt with the appropriate package name.
  • Discrepancies between the package name specified in the launch command and those in package.xml or the launch file.
  • Not updating the variables for the relevant ROS distribution in both the Dockerfile and docker-entrypoint.sh.
  • Problems connecting to the Master node. Check the compose network bridge and the ROS_MASTER_URI variable within the docker-compose.
  • The Master node isn't initiated prior to the package launch. Ensure the --wait flag is employed in the launch command.
  • FS_msgs or other submodule not initialized. git submodule update --init --recursive.


  1. ROS (Robot Operating System):

  2. Catkin Build System:

  3. Docker:

  4. Docker Compose:

  5. Github Actions:

Codebase Diagram

Visualization of the codebase