
Text Classification of Legitimate and Rogue Online Privacy Policies: A manual analysis and an experimental procedure

Primary LanguageJava

Text Classification of Legitimate and Rogue Online Privacy Policies

Welcome to the repository for my Master Thesis Project titled "Text Classification of Legitimate and Rogue Online Privacy Policies: Manual Analysis and a Machine Learning Experimental Approach."

This project investigates the use of supervised binary classification to distinguish between legitimate privacy policies from Fortune Global 500 companies and rogue policies from less trustworthy websites. The repository contains the code, data, and documents used in the thesis work.

Project Overview

In this project, we evaluate 15 classification algorithms to determine how well they can differentiate between legitimate and rogue privacy policies. The dataset consists of 100 privacy policies from legitimate websites (top Fortune Global 500 companies) and 67 privacy policies from rogue websites. A manual analysis was conducted to measure adherence to seven general privacy principles, highlighting significant statistical differences between legitimate and rogue policies.

Our findings show that privacy policies from legitimate companies have 98% adherence to the seven privacy principles, compared to only 45% adherence in rogue companies' policies. After evaluating the classification models, the Naïve Bayes Multinomial algorithm exhibited the best performance with an AUC score of 0.90 (0.08), outperforming other candidates in statistical tests.

You can find a more detailed abstract and analysis in the full thesis document, accessible here.

Repository Contents

The repository is organized into the following key components:

  1. Java Code for the Classification Model
    The complete Java code used to implement and evaluate the 15 classification algorithms.

  2. Privacy Policies Dataset
    A zip file containing the privacy policies collected for the project, including both legitimate and rogue policies.

    • File: policies.zip
  3. Manual Analysis Dataset
    A zip file containing the manual analysis of the privacy policies, including the evaluation of the seven privacy principles.

    • File: manual analysis dataset.zip
  4. Thesis Document (PDF)
    The full thesis document detailing the project, analysis, and results.

    • File: Master_Thesis_submission.pdf
    • You can also access it online at Diva Portal.
  5. Project Proposal (PDF)
    The proposal that was submitted for the approval of the Master Thesis Project.

    • File: proposal for thesis.pdf

How to Cite

Journal Article

This project was later submitted to a journal. If you would like to cite the journal article, please use the following format:

Boldt, M. and Rekanar, K., 2019. Analysis and text classification of privacy policies from rogue and top-100 fortune global companies. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), 13(2), pp.47-66.

Master Thesis

If you would like to cite the thesis itself, please use the following format:

Rekanar, Kaavya. "Text Classification of Legitimate and Rogue online Privacy Policies: Manual Analysis and a Machine Learning Experimental Approach." (2016). 
Available at: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1045553/FULLTEXT02

How to Use This Repository

  1. Classification Model
    The Java code can be run to replicate the experiments. It implements the binary classification models and evaluation metrics used in the project.

  2. Privacy Policies Dataset
    The zip file contains the privacy policies dataset that can be used for similar text classification problems.

  3. Manual Analysis
    The manual analysis zip file provides insights into how privacy policies were manually evaluated against the seven general privacy principles.

  4. Thesis Document
    Read the thesis PDF for a comprehensive explanation of the methodology, experiments, and results.

  5. Project Proposal
    The project proposal PDF outlines the original objectives and structure of the Master's thesis.


For any questions or further details, please feel free to reach out!

Thank you for your interest in this project! We hope the resources provided here will be useful for your research or practical applications in text classification or privacy policy analysis.