- 1
[Improvement] Add data-kjb-element attributes to Sage React components
#2030 opened by jennifer-mullen - 0
Poor documentation
#1747 opened by smodnix - 1
[BUG] in react <Modal />, setting disableBackgroundDismiss to true has the effect of also setting disableBackgroundBlur to true
#1702 opened by duhrich - 0
- 0
- 1
[BUG] Uncaught TypeError occurring causing page to not display correctly
#1363 opened by wonglyaccused - 0
[BUG] Mobile view not working for Next Best Action
#1430 opened by darrellrivera - 1
- 1
[BUG] React Toast component still active after hidden
#1300 opened by kajabimark - 0
[Bug] React Toast - Clear timer when Toast is hidden
#1302 opened by kajabimark - 1
[Improvement] Alerts: Add dismissable and button option for small Alert
#1105 opened by monicawheeler - 2
- 1
[BUG] Security Alerts
#1100 opened by monicawheeler - 1
- 1
- 1
[Tokens] add gap to panel and card
#1066 opened by QuintonJason - 3
[Improvement] Input Group - Repurpose or Deprecation
#1072 opened by anechol - 1
[BUG] update-release workflow: not triggering
#1062 opened by monicawheeler - 3
[BUG] Unable to easily test with Switch
#1097 opened by philschanely - 1
- 1
- 1
[EPIC] Experience 2201 Objectives
#1121 opened by philschanely - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
[BUG] sassdocs using high amount of process and causing Terminal visual distortions
#1138 opened by monicawheeler - 1
[EPIC] Experience 2101 Objectives
#1096 opened by philschanely - 1
[Mock]: Product Selection
#1147 opened by pixelflips - 2
[MOCK] Creation Wizard form details
#1093 opened by philschanely - 1
[Mock] Product dropdown
#1154 opened by pixelflips - 1
[MOCK] Creation Wizard Live Preview PoC
#1091 opened by philschanely - 1
[EPIC] Creation Wizard (Build/Commerce)
#1089 opened by philschanely - 1
[MOCK] PoC for Creation Flow Modal
#1090 opened by philschanely - 1
[Improvement] Checkbox - enhance message text
#1126 opened by QuintonJason - 0
[Improvement] Docs Homepage Image Optimizations
#1136 opened by pixelflips - 0
[Improvement] Textarea resolve error state
#1127 opened by QuintonJason - 0
[Improvement] Form Section Markup Refactor
#1119 opened by anechol - 1
- 0
- 0
[BUG] StatBox `icon` default value patch
#1107 opened by philschanely - 1
[Improvement] Docs: Add Color tokens to colors page
#1041 opened by philschanely - 0
- 0
[Statbox] add optional icon
#1069 opened by QuintonJason - 1
[BUG] Build failures in Github
#1067 opened by teenwolfblitzer - 1
[BUG] Invalid use of "referrer" attribute
#1059 opened by teenwolfblitzer - 0
[Improvement] Modal (React) - add id to props
#1052 opened by QuintonJason - 1
- 0
[BUG] SagePanelHeader: Space regression under title
#1047 opened by monicawheeler - 0
[BUG] PageHeading Actions: vertical alignment
#1043 opened by AndrwM