
A quick guide to get URSim and URCap running on Linux without a Virtual Machine

Last Updated September 2019

There may be some issues that aren’t covered in this quick guide and will be updated in the future.

URSim and URCap Installation Guide on Ubuntu – No Virtual Machine Necessary

This guide goes over how to Install URSim natively to Ubuntu 18.04 systems.

Steps to install

  1. Open a terminal and install Maven sudo apt install maven, Java8 sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk (you may need to install other dependencies as well

  2. Set Java version to Java 8 sudo update-alternatives --config java and select java 8

  3. Download URCap SDK and URSim from the UR Website

  4. Extract both packages to your Home directory

  5. Navigate to /home/username/ursim/ursim-XXXX and open a terminal. Run ./install.sh

  6. Navigate to /home/username/sdk-1.7.0 and open a terminal. Run ./install.sh

  7. To run navigate back to the Ursim directory /home/username/ursim/ursim-XXXX and open terminal and run ./start-ursim.sh

Compiling URCap Project

  1. Navigate to your pom.xml file for your maven/urcap project and open

  2. Make sure the ‘Install path for the UR Sim’ matches were your Ursim folder location and name.

  3. Navigate to your URCap folder and run mvn install -P ursim

  4. Run URSim