
This script checks the WOKO website for student accommodation in Zurich for new room entries every 6 to 12 min and sends you an email alert if a new room is available.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Any feedback or contribution would be appreciated. Don't forget to give a STAR 🌟
Currently, this is a code base with minimum condition requirements. CS guys could help if something more sophisticated is needed. ;)

It is crucial to be the first who contact the room subtenant because they get 100s emails/day. This script checks the WOKO website for student accommodation in Zurich, Switzerland for new room entries repeatedly once in a specified time interval and sends you an email alert if a new room is available.

Version: 11.2022


0. Clone this repository

Open your favourite command line tool (Terminal etc) and run this line to clone the repository on your machine:

git clone git@github.com:KalinNonchev/WOKO_alert.git

Please, navigate to the WOKO_alert folder

1. Install dependencies

Open your favourite command line tool (Terminal etc) and run this line to install the missing dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Fill out the config file

Open and fill out the config.yaml file.

receiver_email: "email@gmail.com" # email to send to
sender_email: "email@gmail.com" # email to send from 
password: "**** **** **** ****" # The app-password of the sender_email email
city: "Zürich" # Choose between Zürich and Winterthur (Winterthur includes Wädenswil listings)
url_woko: "https://www.woko.ch/en/nachmieter-gesucht"  # Long-term listings
#url_woko: "https://www.woko.ch/en/untermieter-gesucht"  # Short-term listings (sublets)
#url_woko: "https://www.woko.ch/en/zimmer-in-zuerich"  # Both listing types for Zurich (overrides the city parameter)
#url_woko: "https://www.woko.ch/en/zimmer-in-winterthur-und-waedenswil"  # Both listing types for Winterthur and Wädenswil (overrides the city parameter)
timer: 120 # in s./ interval to update request
test_email: True  # once you test it to see if you are getting the emails, make this False!

You can use the same receiver_email and sender_email.
Since May 30, 2022: You have to enable 2-step verification and set up an app password for this app, and set the config file so that this app is allowed to log in, else it will be considered a less secure app and Gmail won't allow it to log in. See this for more info: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255, https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en. The script doesn't store and share your privacy data!

You can choose the appropriate url_woko depending on the city and whether you want sublets or not. For eg, "https://www.woko.ch/en/nachmieter-gesucht" only contains long-term listings while "https://www.woko.ch/en/zimmer-in-zuerich" contains both.

3. Run

Open your favourite command line tool (Terminal etc) and run the script as:

python3 queryWOKO.py

If everything is fine, you should see something like:

Still: 2 rooms...
Sleep for: 3min.

Leave the script running in the background. The script will update itself every 3 to 6 min and if a new room is available, it will notify you by email. Enjoy!
Good luck!