
Unitree ROS for Go1

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Robot description: a1_description, aliengo_description, laikago_description

Robot and joints controller: unitree_controller

Basic function: unitree_legged_msgs

Simulation related: unitree_gazebo, unitree_legged_control

Real robot control related: unitree_legged_real



Make sure the following exist in your ~/.bashrc file or export them in terminal. melodic, gazebo-8, ~/catkin_ws, amd64 and the paths to unitree_legged_sdk should be replaced in your own case.

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
source /usr/share/gazebo-8/setup.sh
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=~/catkin_ws/devel/lib:${GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/catkin_ws/devel/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export UNITREE_LEGGED_SDK_PATH=~/unitree_legged_sdk
export ALIENGO_SDK_PATH=~/aliengo_sdk
#amd64, arm32, arm64
export UNITREE_PLATFORM="amd64"


Please run the following command to install relative packages.

ROS Melodic:

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-controller-interface  ros-melodic-gazebo-ros-control ros-melodic-joint-state-controller ros-melodic-effort-controllers ros-melodic-joint-trajectory-controller

And open the file unitree_gazebo/worlds/stairs.world. At the end of the file:


Please change the path of building_editor_models/stairs to the real path on your PC.

Then you can use catkin_make to build:

cd ~/catkin_ws

If you face a dependency problem, you can just run catkin_make again.

Detail of Packages


It contains the joints controllers for Gazebo simulation, which allows user to control joints with position, velocity and torque.


ros-type message, including command and state of high-level and low-level control. It would be better if it be compiled firstly, otherwise you may have dependency problems (such as that you can't find the header file).

The description of robots:

Namely the description of A1, Aliengo and Laikago. Each package include mesh, urdf and xacro files of robot. Take Laikago as an example, you can check the model in Rviz by:

roslaunch laikago_description laikago_rviz.launch

unitree_gazebo & unitree_controller:

You can launch the Gazebo simulation by the following command:

roslaunch unitree_gazebo normal.launch rname:=a1 wname:=stairs

Where the rname means robot name, which can be laikago, aliengo or a1. The wname means world name, which can be earth, space or stairs. And the default value of rname is laikago, while the default value of wname is earth. In Gazebo, the robot should be lying on the ground with joints not activated.

Stand controller

After launching the gazebo simulation, you can start to control the robot:

rosrun unitree_controller unitree_servo

And you can add external disturbances, like a push or a kick:

rosrun unitree_controller unitree_external_force

Position and pose publisher

Here we showed how to control the position and pose of robot without a controller, which should be useful in SLAM or visual development.

Then run the position and pose publisher in another terminal:

rosrun unitree_controller unitree_move_kinetic

The robot will turn around the origin, which is the movement under the world coordinate. And inside of the source file move_publisher, we also offered the method to move robot under robot coordinate. You can change the value of def_frame to coord::ROBOT and run the catkin_make again, then the unitree_move_publisher will move robot under its own coordinate.


Setup the net connection

First, please connect the network cable between your PC and robot. Then run ifconfig in a terminal, you will find your port name. For example, enx000ec6612921.

Then, open the ipconfig.sh file under the folder unitree_legged_real, modify the port name to your own. And run the following commands:

sudo chmod +x ipconfig.sh
sudo ./ipconfig.sh

If you run the ifconfig again, you will find that port has inet and netmask now. In order to set your port automatically, you can modify interfaces:

sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

And add the following 4 lines at the end:

auto enx000ec6612921
iface enx000ec6612921 inet static

Where the port name have to change to your own.

Run the package

You can control your real robot(only A1 and Aliengo) from ROS by this package.

First you have to run the real_launch under root account:

sudo su
source /home/yourUserName/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch unitree_legged_real real.launch rname:=a1 ctrl_level:=highlevel firmwork:=3_2

Please watchout that the /home/yourUserName means the home directory of yourself. These commands will launch a LCM server. The rname means robot name, which can be a1 or aliengo(case does not matter), and the default value is a1. And the ctrl_level means the control level, which can be lowlevel or highlevel(case does not matter), and the default value is highlevel. Under the low level, you can control the joints directly. And under the high level, you can control the robot to move or change its pose. The firmwork means the firmwork version of the robot. The default value is 3_2 Now all the A1's firmwork version is 3_2, and most Aliengo's firmwork version is 3_1.(will update in the future)

To do so, you need to run the controller in another terminal(also under root account):

rosrun unitree_legged_real position_lcm

We offered some examples. When you run the low level controller, please make sure the robot is hanging up. The low level contains:


The velocity_lcm and torque_lcm have to run under root account too. Please use the same method as runing real_launch.

And when you run the high level controller, please make sure the robot is standing on the ground. The high level only has walk_lcm.

julia interface


Make sure the computer runs the Julia robotinterface is in the same LAN network with the Unitree A1 robot (you should be able to ping on this computer).

  1. First install https://github.com/JuliaInterop/libcxxwrap-julia according to its README

    A small problem I found is when building this project, we must specify julia prefix as well:

    cmake -DJulia_PREFIX=/home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/julia-1.5.3 -DJulia_EXECUTABLE=/home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/julia-1.5.3/bin/julia ..

    (change "/home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/julia-1.5.3" to the path of the julia directory on your system)

  2. Then modify ~/.julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml according to https://github.com/JuliaInterop/CxxWrap.jl https://github.com/JuliaInterop/libcxxwrap-julia#using-the-compiled-libcxxwrap-julia-in-cxxwrap Add this overrides is very important. On my system, my libcxxwrap-julia is at

    libcxxwrap_julia = "/home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/libcxxwrap-julia/build"
  3. Now we can compile this repo. Notice in the unitree_legged_real/CMakeLists.txt we have following lines indicating the path to libcxxwrap-julia

    set(JlCxx_DIR /home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/libcxxwrap-julia/build)
    set(Julia_PREFIX /home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/julia-1.5.3) 
    set(Julia_EXECUTABLE /home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/julia-1.5.3/bin/julia)

    Please modify them according to your own installation.

  4. After compilation, a cxxwrap .so file will be generated in ROS workspace contains the unitree_ros package. On my system the file locates at


    In unitree_legged_real/script/julia_robot_interface.jl, modify line 126 to be the correct location of the .so file on your system

  5. Unitree SDK requires root previlege so we have to run the robot interface as root user. Use sudo su to switch to root. Then add julia to root's bash PATH (or add following lines to root's ~/.bashrc file)

    source /home/biorobotics/ros_workspaces/unitree_ws/devel/setup.bash
    export PATH="$PATH:/home/biorobotics/Documents/julia_program_files/julia-1.5.3/bin"

    where unitree_ws is the ROS workspace you used to compile unitree_ros. Please adjust them accordingly.

  6. Read unitree_legged_real/script/julia_robot_interface.jl to know its dependent packages. Install them for the root user. Also, modify ~/.julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml for the root user as well.

  7. As the root user, cd to the location of unitree_legged_real/script/. Start Julia REPL. Then start the Julia RobotInterface by


    Be careful when working with the hardware. Make sure the robot is hanged up during the initial test

  8. There are two test scripts now. unitree_legged_real/script/read_check_joint_angles.jl read and print the joint angles of the robot. unitree_legged_real/script/test_julia_swing_ctrl.jl runs swing leg control with dynamics compensition. To try these scripts, simple include them


    The script will create a loop to read joint angles. Press ctrl-c to exist the loop.

    test_julia_swing_ctrl.jl will move the front right leg of the robot, so be careful the front right leg has enough space to move.