
Synchronize multi sensors data from rosbag (with several topics)

Primary LanguageMakefile


Synchronize multi sensors data(Mono camera, imu-Xsens, GroundTruth) from rosbag (with several topics), and in this project, we only save images as .png, and attitudes data as .csv, and finally we will output: (1) a folder named image, which contains all the images(the file names are image timestamps); (2) image_stamp.txt file records the image timastamps (3) imu.csv file records the timestamps and Quaternion from imu and GroundTruth, the order is imu_timestamps/imu.x/imu.y/imu.z/imu.w/gt_timestamps/gt.x/gt.y/gt.z/gt.w

NOTE: the data are synchronized by ros message_filters approximate_time

the rosbag required from optiTrack contains three topics: (You can get the infomation by "rosbag info xx.bag") /imu/data 11600 msgs : sensor_msgs/Imu
/usb_cam/image_raw 870 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image
/vrpn_client_node/luopan/pose 3410 msgs : geometry_msgs/PoseStamped As you can see, (1) the topics names are: /imu/data /usb_cam/image_raw /vrpn_client_node/luopan/pose which are needed in dataSynAcq.cpp-->dataSynAcq::dataSynAcq(std::string path )-->Subscriber function (2) the message types are: sensor_msgs/Imu sensor_msgs/Image geometry_msgs/PoseStamped which are needed in dataSynAcq.h-->#include