
End-to-end pipeline to go from raw H&E slides to normalised extracted features for training

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Note: Requires Python 3.8+

End-to-end WSI processing pipeline

This repository contains a pipeline for the pre-processing of Whole Slide Images (WSIs) as an initial step for histopathological deep learning. In this pipeline, we are using the Macenko normalization adapted method from https://github.com/wanghao14/Stain_Normalization.git

For usage on a local computer:

  1. Clone and enter this repository on your device
  2. Install the Singularity dependencies and build container, requires (fake) root access
  cd mlcontext
  sh setup.sh
  cd ..
  1. Edit run_wsi_norm.sh and specify your paths. Observe the following arguments:
Input Variable name Description
-o Path to the output folder where features are saved
--wsi-dir Path to the WSI folder
--cache-dir Path to the output folder where intermediate slide JPGs are saved
-m Path to the SSL model used for feature extraction
-e Feature extractor, 'retccl' or 'ctranspath'
-c Number of CPU cores, optional
--del-slide Delete original slide from your drive, optional
--no-norm Do not apply Macenko normalization, optional
--only-fex Read the JPGs from previous runs and go straight into feature extraction

Example usage:

python wsi-norm.py \
    --wsi-dir INPUT_PATH \ 
    --cache-dir IMAGES_OUTPUT_PATH \
    -m MODEL_PATH \
    --del-slide \
    --no-norm \
  1. Run the script from the main directory with run_wsi_norm.sh: singularity run --nv -B /:/ mlcontext/e2e_container.sif run_wsi_norm.sh


The features are extracted from tiles with a resolution of 224x224 px and edge length of 256 μm. When opting for normalization, the H&E slides are normalized according to Macenko et al., using the target distribution from the following image:

Target distribution