Deep Reinforcement Learning codes for study. Currently, there are only codes for algorithms: DQN, C51, QR-DQN, IQN, QUOTA.
- Ac314159
- AI-Lucas307
- alan890104
- alirezakazemipourUniversity of Alberta
- allendred
- backpropperGoogle DeepMind
- bithgzChinese Academy of Sciences University
- codeglzhangChengdu,Sichuan,P.R.China
- dc-wangjn
- Dream-Delusion
- flmdaybreakblue
- FSLight1996Tianjin University
- ganlinzhang
- hsjharveyNAB
- jhao6George Mason University
- jkewangZJU
- lightzhan-intellif
- liruijia2017
- markub3327University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
- mingzhangPHDAston University
- MoeNaga
- ouwing233CSU
- PDP-11
- PhilippeW83440Fayence (France)
- popeye007
- PranavMahajan25Oxford
- rafaelsagastumeCiberC
- raushanprabhakar1
- senzuo成都
- Sht617641946
- SunLightFor6
- tangzk
- vwxyzjn@huggingface
- yuliping
- zarif98sjsUMass Amherst
- zzu0654