
Use PyTorch Models with CasADi and Acados in Python, C(++) or Matlab

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Learning 4 CasADi Framework

L4CasADi enables the use of PyTorch models and functions in a CasADi graph while supporting CasADi code generation capabilities. The only requirement on the PyTorch model is to be traceable and differentiable.

Projects using L4CasADi
Real-time L4CasADi

If you use this framework please cite our paper

  title={Real-time Neural-MPC: Deep Learning Model Predictive Control for Quadrotors and Agile Robotic Platforms},
  author={Salzmann, Tim and Kaufmann, Elia and Arrizabalaga, Jon and Pavone, Marco and Scaramuzza, Davide and Ryll, Markus},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},

Projects using L4CasADi

  • Real-time Neural-MPC: Deep Learning Model Predictive Control for Quadrotors and Agile Robotic Platforms
    Paper | Code
  • Neural Potential Field for Obstacle-Aware Local Motion Planning
    Paper | Video | Code

If your project is using L4CasADi and you would like to be featured here, please reach out.



Independently if you install from source or via pip you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Working build system: CMake compatible C++ compiler.
  • PyTorch (>=2.0) installation in your python environment.
    python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

Pip Install

  • Ensure all build dependencies are installed
  • Run
    pip install l4casadi --no-build-isolation

From Source

  • Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/Tim-Salzmann/l4casadi.git

  • All build dependencies installed via
    pip install -r requirements_build.txt

  • Build from source
    pip install . --no-build-isolation

The --no-build-isolation flag is required for L4CasADi to find and link against the installed PyTorch.


Install L4CasADi via CUDACXX=<PATH_TO_nvcc> pip install l4casadi --no-build-isolation or CUDACXX=<PATH_TO_nvcc> pip install . --no-build-isolation to build from source.



Please note that only casadi.MX symbolic variables are supported as input.

Multi-input multi-output functions can be realized by concatenating the symbolic inputs when passing to the model and splitting them inside the PyTorch function.

To use GPU (CUDA) simply pass device="cuda" to the L4CasADi constructor.

Further examples:

Naive L4CasADi

For small models the overhead of context switches between PyTorch and CasADi can be significant even in pure C++. Thus, L4CasADi provides a NaiveL4CasADiModule which will directly re-create the PyTorch computational graph in C++ and copies the weights. This, however is limited to a small subset of PyTorch operations - only MultiLayerPerceptron models and CPU inference are supported.


Batch Dimension

If your PyTorch model expects a batch dimension as first dimension (which most models do) you should pass model_expects_batch_dim=True to the L4CasADi constructor. The MX input to the L4CasADi component is then expected to be a vector of shape [X, 1]. L4CasADi will add a batch dimension of 1 automatically such that the input to the underlying PyTorch model is of shape [1, X].

Acados Integration

To use this framework with Acados:

An example of how a PyTorch model can be used as dynamics model in the Acados framework for Model Predictive Control can be found in examples/acados.py

To use L4CasADi with Acados you will have to set model_external_shared_lib_dir and model_external_shared_lib_name in the AcadosOcp.solver_options accordingly.

ocp.solver_options.model_external_shared_lib_dir = l4c_model.shared_lib_dir
ocp.solver_options.model_external_shared_lib_name = l4c_model.name


Real-time L4CasADi

Real-time L4Casadi (former Approximated approach in ML-CasADi) is the underlying framework powering Real-time Neural-MPC. It replaces complex models with local Taylor approximations. For certain optimization procedures (such as MPC with multiple shooting nodes) this can lead to improved optimization times. However, Real-time L4Casadi, comes with many restrictions (only Python, no C(++) code generation, ...) and is therefore not a one-to-one replacement for L4Casadi. Rather it is a complementary framework for certain special use cases.

More information here.


Warm Up

Note that PyTorch builds the graph on first execution. Thus, the first call(s) to the CasADi function will be slow. You can warm up to the execution graph by calling the generated CasADi function one or multiple times before using it.


Further development of this framework will be prioritized by popular demand. If a feature is important to your work please get in contact or create a pull request.

Possible upcoming features include:

- Explicit multi input, multi output functions.