
Figure "Source Data"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The manuscript needs to be accompanied by "Source Data":

Please ensure that a Source Data file is included with your resubmission. Within the Source Data file, the relevant raw data from each figure or table (in the main manuscript and in the Supplementary Information) should be represented by a single sheet in an Excel document, or a single .txt file or other file type in a zipped folder. Uncropped blots and gel images should be pasted in and labelled with the relevant panel and identifying information such as the antibody used. An example of the Source Data file is available demonstrating the correct format:

The file should be labelled 'Source Data', with the title and a brief description included in your response here, and should be mentioned in all relevant figure legends using the template text below:

""Source data are provided as a Source Data file."""

In particular, please provide a source data file that contains the data behind your most important box plots and analyses e.g at least all of those in the main text.

I need to think carefully about the desired organization of the final product and then work backwards on how to be achieve this in the existing code base.

Below is a screenshot of their example XLSX file.

Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 10 30 37 AM

After discussing this with PJP, my goal is to provide source data for the figures/panels where the raw data would be most interesting and isn't included already in the Supp. Data.

  • Fig. 1 b, c, d
  • Fig. 2 b
  • Fig. 3 c, d, e
  • Fig. 4 a
  • Fig. 5
  • Supp. Fig. 6
  • Supp. Fig. 9 a