- Introduction
- Benefits
- Verilog
- Makerchip
- Interfacing LEDs
- Seven Segment Display
- 4-way Traffic Light Controller
- Finite State Machines
- Traffic Light Controller Lab
- References
- Author
- Acknowledgement
FPGA also known as Field-Programmable Gate Array, is a hardware circuit board that executes hardware models. It is used for prototyping ASICs and Processors. This workshop is to learn and understand Digital Design using Virtual FPGA.
- Virtual demo FPGA visualizations
- Access to various kinds of Board
- Debug each & every cycle
- Open-source (Freely access to all)
The detailed information on Virtual FPGA Lab can be found here
- Hardware Description Language
- Verification
- Simulation
- Timing Analysis
- Test Analsis
- Synthesis
- Level of Abstraction
- Behavioural Level
- Register-Transfer Level
- Gate Level
Makerchip is a free IDE which is used to develop Integrated Circuits, where you can design, compile, and simulate hardware using verilog all from your browser. It is available as https://makerchip.com/.
- Abstract model of computation that is used to model logic
- Based on the current state and a given input the machine performs state transitions and produces outputs.
- Two basic types are Mealy and Moore mahines
// Enable first seven segment and set to Green
digit <= 4'b0111;
segment <= 7'b1110111;
/* TODO: 1. Keep the green NORTH signal active for 8 seconds
2. Set state of signal to yellow NORTH after that
HINT: Use if-else block
if(count==7) begin
assign state=NORTH_Y;
assign count=0;
else assign count=count+1;
// Enable first seven segment and set to Yellow
digit <= 4'b0111;
segment <= 7'b1111110;
/* TODO: 1. Keep the yellow NORTH signal active for 4 seconds
2. Set state of signal to green SOUTH after that
if(count==3) begin
assign state=SOUTH;
assign count=0;
else assign count=count+1;
- https://github.com/BalaDhinesh/Digital-Design-on-FPGA--VSDOpen21.git
- https://github.com/Eyantra698Sumanto/Digital-Design-on-FPGA.git
- Mohammad Khalique khan, Bachelor of Technology (ECE), Aliah University.
- Bala Dhinesh, Undergrad, IIT Madras
- Kunal Ghosh, Co-founder, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.
- Anagha Ghosh, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.