
Implementation problem

pengzhi1998 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Dr Yuan, firstly, thank you for your great work!
However, when I implement PPO, the multiprocessing has a problem on my desktop. I'm using python3.6 with PyTorch 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 with CartPole-v0. In the first loop of i_iter in main_loop in, when evaluating the trained model, the code stucks.
After testing, I find it is because in process-4 (one process created here, the action cannot be computed here which is weird. I didn't change anything, and I don't think the multiprocessing should affect the computing with the network. Do you have any idea why this happens?

It seems that the computation of the network in the processes has been stuck for whatever reason. Is it caused by the PyTorch's version? (however I tried torch.0.4.0, the same problem happens)

Have you set the env variable as mentioned in README?


Wow, it works this time, thanks! So this command will influence training in both CPU and GPU?

It will only affect CPU based training. I have added it in code:

os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"

So you won't need to manually set it and it won't affect other programs.

Thank you!!!

Sorry to bother you Dr. Yuan, but I have one more question, that I didn't find termination or join operation for the processes in the code. Is there a need to join the workers after they have been used?