
Extra icons from Sketch file, generate font files, demos how to use font files on Web, iOS and Android.

Primary LanguageJava

Using icon font for multiple platforms

This project can make icon font files from Sketch file.

These font files can be used in Web, Android and iOS.

This project also demos how to use the font files on these platforms.


  • Mac
  • Skecth
  • npm

How to use

  1. Clone or download this project

  2. Install

    sh manage.sh install

  3. Make icon font from Skecth file

    sh manage.sh make

    cube-icons-sample.sketch is a sample Skecth file, you can change your own one.

  4. See what we have

    1. Web

      You can open samples/web/index.html in your browser, then you will see all the icons.

      You also can open it by:

      sh manage.sh open
    2. iOS project

      You can open XCode sample proejct under dirctory: samples/ios

    3. Android proejct

      You can open Android Studio sample proejct under dirctory: samples/android


  1. You can edit gulpfile.js to:

    1. Use you own Sketch icon file.

    2. Change the name of the icon files.

    3. Change the css class name.

    4. Other things you want.

  2. All the files under dirctory dist/ are generated by gulpfile.js according the file under dirctory '/templates'

    If can customize your own template files if you want.




This project is mainly based on https://github.com/cognitom/symbols-for-sketch.