
An accelerometer calibration algorithm implemented in Matlab

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Matlab Accelerometer calibration functions

Matlab functions to calculate the accelerometers calibration parameters from tilt data using the method described in Gietzelt, M., Wolf, K. H., Marschollek, M., & Haux, R. (2013). Performance comparison of accelerometer calibration algorithms based on 3D-ellipsoid fitting methods. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 111(1), 62-71. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2013.03.006

Example of accelerometer calibration and test with data

This shows an example of accelerometer calibration.

Loading and view the calibration data

%Load the calibration data. This was recorded making slow movements in the
%accelerometer in such way the gravity vector forms a sphere.

load calib_acc_01.mat

accXcalib = double(Respiratory_Sensor_Port_COM3_Canal_0_g_Amplitude);
accYcalib = double(Respiratory_Sensor_Port_COM3_Canal_1_g_Amplitude);
accZcalib = double(Respiratory_Sensor_Port_COM3_Canal_2_g_Amplitude);

%Plot the data so you can see the movement made.

plot3(accXcalib, accYcalib, accZcalib);

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Calculate the accelerometer calibration parameters

[ offset, scale, radius ] = calibrateAccelerometer(accXcalib, accYcalib, accZcalib)

offset =


scale =


radius =


Loading a test accelerometer signal

%Load the test signal. This signal contains the accelerometer fixed in 12
%different positions.

%Concatenate the data
accX = [];
accY = [];
accZ = [];

for n=1:12

    load(['fix_acc_01_' num2str(n) '.mat'])

    eval(['accX = [accX Respiratory_Sensor_Port_COM3_Canal_0_g_Amplitude];']);
    eval(['accY = [accY Respiratory_Sensor_Port_COM3_Canal_1_g_Amplitude];']);
    eval(['accZ = [accZ Respiratory_Sensor_Port_COM3_Canal_2_g_Amplitude];']);


%Plot the data so you can see the test points on the sphere.

plot3(accX, accY, accZ, 'x');

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Calculate the norm of the acceleration before the calibration

%Norm of the acceleration before the calibration
modBeforeCalibration = sqrt(accX.^2 + accY.^2 + accZ.^2);

%The histogram of the norm before the calibration.
title(['Before calibration']);
xlim([0.8 1.2]);

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Applying the calibration factors

%Apply the calibration factors
[ calibAccX, calibAccY, calibAccZ ] = applyCalibrationFactor( accX, accY, accZ, offset, scale );

Calculate the norm after the calibration

modAfterCalibration = sqrt(calibAccX.^2 + calibAccY.^2 + calibAccZ.^2);

%Comparing the histogram before and after the calibration.
subplot(2, 1, 1);
title(['Before calibration']);
xlim([0.8 1.2]);
xlabel('Acceleration (g)');
subplot(2, 1, 2);
title('After calibration');
xlim([0.8 1.2]);
xlabel('Acceleration (g)');

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Copyright 2016 Ailton Luiz Dias Siqueira Junior.

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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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