HW2 for ROS Independent Study. Writing publisher nodes that command the robot to move in specific shapes.
Goals: Write 2 nodes that will command the robot to traverse two paths of specific shapes. Get accustomed to the github workflow.
Create a package called cmd_vel_publisher with rospy as a dependency.
Create a Github repository called cmd_vel_publisher. In the github repo description, put
HW2 for ROS Independent Study. Writing publisher nodes that command the robot to move in specific shapes.
In the README.md, include these instructions.
Initialize a .git repository in the package folder (ie. catkin_ws/src/cmd_vel_publisher/). Add your github repository as a remote. Add the changes, commit with the message init, and push the package to your github repository.
Write a node infinity_node.py that makes the robot drive in an infinity path. Model the path as two conjoined perfect circles (radius of 2m) like the track shown below. The point of conjuction (where it crosses from one circle to the next) must be the same for the clockwise and anticlockwise crossings.
[Infinity Track]
Add, commit and push after completing infinity_node.py
Write a node that makes the robot drive in an uncircumscribed pentagram. Use the image below for the order in which the path is traversed. At each vertex, the robot must come to a complete stop, and rotate 36 degrees (internal angle of pentagram vertex).
[Pentagram Track]
Add, commit and push after completing pentagram.py
Create a separate launch file for each node: infinity.launch and pentagram.launch
Add, commit and push after completing the launch files.
TIP: It might be useful to print the current trajectory of the robot in the console for debugging purposes.