The KiCad project for the PCB that is used as ECU for the Wolley Wheel and Fan modules.


Wolley Motor ECU

This is the KiCad project for the PCB that is used as ECU for the Wolley Wheel and Fan modules.

It's a circular PCB that a brushed DC motor can be directly mounted on to be controlled by the driver and MCU onboard through CAN.

PCB rendered in KiCad


Name Value
PCB layers 2
PCB diameter 61 mm
Max motor diameter 28 mm
Motor center hole diameter 10 mm
Motor voltage 6 - 36 V
Max motor current 6 A
Control Interface CAN

Key Components

Component Part Details
MCU Infineon XMC1404_F064X200A ARM Cortex-M0, 32-bit, 48 MHz, 200 kB flash
Motor driver Infineon IFX9201SG 6 A and 36 V H-bridge with SPI diagnostics
CAN transceiver Infineon TLE7251VSJ
Speed sensor Infineon TLE4964-4M High precision unipolar hall effect switch
Temperature sensor TI LM35DM Precision centigrade temperature sensor

Motor Alternatives

  • Mabuchi RS-385PV-2465
  • Mabuchi RS-365

Release Notes

Version 1.4:

  • Replaced the 4-pin connector with the new 5-pin connector.
  • Removed the battery power connector.

Version 1.3:

  • Moved the connectors closer to the middle to allow for more space and therefore better mounting.
  • Added a key hole to prevent the PCB from spinning when used as the CentrifugalFan ECU.
  • Joined the mount holes with the motor hole.
  • Smaller silk screen improvements.

Version 1.2 (same as CentrifugalFanECU v1.0):

  • Added a dedicated connector for the motor power.
  • Added a temperature sensor.
  • Added a status LED.
  • Removed two of the mount holes.
  • Made the motor hole bigger to fit a Mabuchi RS-380.

Version 1.1:

  • Replaced the motor driver with a better one that can handle up to 36 V.
  • Other improvements.


Licenced under the CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2.