
Repro project for Xamarin Mac dylib Native Reference in library project

Primary LanguageC#


Repro project for Xamarin Mac dylib Native Reference in library project

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Build the project.
  3. Open the output app bundle and look for libopenal.1.dylib. It should be in DylibTest/bin/Debug/DylibTest.app/Contents/MonoBundle, but you won't find it.
  4. Remove the libopenal.1.dylib file from Native References in the DylibLibrary project.
  5. Add DylibLibrary/libopenal.1.dylib as a Native Reference in the DylibTest project.
  6. Build the project.
  7. Open the output app bundle again and look for libopenal.1.dylib. It should be in DylibTest/bin/Debug/DylibTest.app/Contents/MonoBundle, and it will now be there.