Software for finding, comparing, and displaying nucleotide motifs (position weight matrices).
While there are excellent motif-finding software packages that already exist (e.g. MEME suite), they aren't optimized for some of our needs (e.g. IME signals). Motifs are also a simple sequence model that make a good playground for learning bioinformatics concepts.
Given a collection of related sequences, find the sub-sequence pattern with the
most surprising distribution. For example, in the following sequences, ACGT
is found multiple times (shown in uppercase).
Is it likely for ACGT
to be present in 4/6 sequences of length 40? Is it
likely for there to be 5 copies of ACGT
among these sequences? Depending on
your probability model, the distribution of ACGT
might be highly unexpected
and therefore worth reporting.
Nucleotide patterns are generally not 100% conserved. That is, they are rarely
just ACGT
but more like ACG
followed sometimes by C
and sometimes by T
There are several ways to represent such ambiguities in text. Biologists might
write ACG(C/T)
while those more on the computational spectrum might follow
regex sytax and write ACG[CT]
. The more proper way is to use IUPAC ambiguity
symbols: ACGY
. While text representations are convenient, they show
possiblities rather than probabilities. For example, what if C
is much more
common than T
A Position Weight Matrix (PWM) specifies the probabilities of nucleotides at each position of a motif of length n. For example, below is a PWM describing splice donor sites in C. elegans. The site is 5 nt long and displays the probabilties of A, C, G, and T in a column at each position. The most common sequence generated by this PWM is GTAAG.
1 2 3 4 5
A 0.000 0.000 0.586 0.694 0.092
C 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.056 0.035
G 1.000 0.000 0.254 0.102 0.766
T 0.000 1.000 0.147 0.148 0.106
Representing this PWM in text is a matter of preference. The following all capture the pattern to various degrees. Note the use of lowercase letters to represent a weak single nucleotide preference.
- GTAAG - only canonical letters
- GTRAG - noting the preference for both A and G at the 3rd position
- GTaag - using lowercase letters instead of IUPAC symbols
- GTrag - maybe the best representation
- GTNNN - conflating possibility and probability
- kmers
- regular expressions
- discretized position weight matrices
- position weight matrices
The simplest model for a motif is that it does not allow for any ambiguities.
For the splice donor above, this is simply GTAAG
. Even with this simple
model, we can evaluate the probability of finding the pattern in a collection
of sequences. Therefore, the first motif-finding algorithm is to find the most
surprising k-mers. In a collection of splice donor sites, we would expect
to be slightly more common than GTGAG
Regular expressions offer a convenient method to find ambiguities that are
equally likely. For example GT[AG]AG
is one way to describe the motif.
However, is this better than GT[ACGT]AG
? It depends on the probability model
and collection of sequences.
Another way to represent PWMs is to discretize the probability space and assign
it to a letter. For example, A
doesn't mean 100% A
, and R
doesn't mean
50% A
and 50% G
. Instead, we can set A
to 97% and give the other
nucleotides 1%. We can do related transformations with ambiguity codes and
lowercase letters.
Finally, we can also represent the individual nucleotide probabilities as floating point values of arbitrary precision.
A motif is an object of type PWM
. The PWM
class defines the following
- - hopefully unique
- motif.source - could be TRANSFAC, JASPAR, etc.
- motif.pwm - a list of dictionaries containing nucleotide probabilities
- motif.length
- motif.entropy - the sum of individual entropies (2 - entropy really)
The internal representation of motif.pwm is as follows:
"A": 1.0,
"C": 0.0,
"G": 0.0,
"T": 0.0
"A": 0.5,
"C": 0.5,
"G": 0.0,
"T": 0.0
"A": 0.0,
"C": 0.0,
"G": 0.75,
"T": 0.25
"A": 0.25,
"C": 0.25,
"G": 0.25,
"T": 0.25
There are several ways to construct motifs:
- Random
- From a case-sensitive degenerate nucleotide string
- From a list of sequences - all equal length
- From a list of dictionaries of probabilities
- From reading JASPAR, TRANSFAC, or our own formatted files
file has embedded code examples which can be run as a form of
testing via python3
Coding stuff
- Class representing PWMs - done
- Constructor from sequences - done
- Random constructor - done
- Read from our own PWM model file format - done
- Read from TRANSFAC format - done
- Read from JASPAR format - done
- Compare ungapped motifs - done
- Compare gapped motifs - WIP
- Convert ambiguity strings to motifs - done
- Convert motifs to ambiguity strings - done
- Convert regex to motifs -
- Convert motifs to regex -
- Display motifs as SVG - WIP
- Make a motif-finder based on strings - WIP
- Make a motif-finder based on regex -
- Make a motif-finder based on discretized PWMs -
- Make a motif-finder based on full PWMs -
- Unit testing - WIP
Data stuff
- Create test sequences for motif-finding - WIP
- motif-embedding function - WIP
- background probability model rather than 25% each
- sequences must be exactly the right length
- coordinate system of motifs is off
- reverse-complement motifs should be an option
- motif-embedding function - WIP
- Get real sequences for motif-finding