
Automatic PX4 Flight Log Upload / Download

Primary LanguageC++

PX4 Flight Log Management

Downloads PX4 ulogs from the flight controller SD card and uploads to PX4 Flight Review.


The config.toml file is used to configure the program settings. https://github.com/ARK-Electronics/logloader/blob/16d8fe3682830f8aa33f957b3b7d8c5c32287b50/config.toml#L1-L7


Downloading and uploading will only occur while the vehicle is not armed. Downloading and uploading operations are performed in separate threads. The downloading thread will only download logs with a datetime greater than the most recent log found locally in the logging_directory. If no logs are found locally only the most recent log will be downloaded. The upload thread will only upload logs that are not recorded in the uploaded_logs_file. Logs are named with the ISO 8601 date and time format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.ulg.


Install MAVSDK if you haven't already, the latest releases can be found at https://github.com/mavlink/MAVSDK/releases

sudo dpkg -i libmavsdk-dev_2.4.1_debian12_arm64.deb

Or install MAVSDK from source

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/mavlink/MAVSDK.git
cmake -Bbuild/default -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -H.
sudo cmake --build build/default -j$(nproc) --target install
cd ..

Upgrade OpenSSL if your version is less than 3.0.2

openssl version

A script is provided for your convenience


Clone this repository

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ARK-Electronics/logloader.git
cd logloader


./build/logloader | tee output.txt
Downloading...	2023-10-05T15:06:42Z	0.97249500MB	100%	3889.98000000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-05T15:06:58Z	0.46985700MB	98%	3686.40000000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-05T15:10:56Z0 Kb1.86199000MB	100%	4965.30666667 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T08:52:14Z	0.38373500MB	100%	inf Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T08:56:18Z	0.26428000MB	100%	inf Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:04:18Z	0.42428500MB	100%	3394.28000000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:04:40Z	0.91263600MB	100%	7301.08800000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:05:20Z	1.33783000MB	100%	3567.54666667 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:07:32Z	0.85526800MB	100%	3421.07200000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:22:00Z	0.82437500MB	100%	6595.00000000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:22:26Z	0.79509800MB	100%	6360.78400000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T09:26:10Z	0.88394300MB	100%	3535.77200000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T10:14:00Z	10.71558000MB	100%	2449.27542857 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T12:03:40Z	0.64674900MB	100%	5173.99200000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T12:05:04Z	3.79014100MB	100%	3032.11280000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T12:14:46Z	2.24213400MB	100%	2989.51200000 Kbps
Downloading...	2023-10-07T12:50:12Z	0.78112200MB	100%	3124.48800000 Kbps


Installs the binary to /usr/local/bin and creates the application folder at ~/logloader. Create a copy of config.toml and edit the settings. This file will be installed at ~/logloader/config.toml.

cp config.toml install.config.toml

Build and install

make install


Monitor network traffic

sudo iftop -i wlo1

Or use a Wireshark filter

mavlink_proto.msgid == 117 || mavlink_proto.msgid == 118 || mavlink_proto.msgid == 119 || mavlink_proto.msgid == 120

Watch your beautiful logs arrive

Future developments

  • Multiple backends: e.g. RobotoAI, DroneLogbook, Auterion Suite, Aloft etc