
Android frontend for Hikers of Iceland

Primary LanguageJava

Hugbúnaðarverkefni 2

Hikers of Iceland

Group 1

  • Almar Teitsson, alt15@hi.is
  • Björgvin Hall, bjh45@hi.is
  • Friðrik Hreinn Sigurðsson, fhs6@hi.is
  • Kristinn Godfrey Guðnason, kgg16@hi.is

How to run the program

The app was developed using a Nexus 5X (API 28) Android Emulator.


  • Clone this repository into your local machine
  • In your IDE select HikersicelandApplication as your main class
  • Download dependencies via Gradle sync and build the application
  • Run the application on your Android Emulator (we recommend the Nexus 5X)

Project info


The backend is hosted on Heroku (https://hikers-of-iceland.herokuapp.com/rest/hikes)

You can also find the source code on github (https://github.com/KristinnGodfrey/HikersIceland)

Admin testing account

We have created a user that can be used for assignment reviewers, but they may aswell create a new one.

  • user: hikeadmin
  • pass: admin