The Maaku framework provides a Swift wrapper around cmark with the addition of a Swift friendly representation of the AST
- 0
- 0
Trailing tilde on a line causes startLine, startColumn, endLine and endColumn to return 0
#56 opened by eliyap - 3
- 0
Possibly remove `CMNode.stringContent`
#48 opened by NightFlyer - 1
- 3
Would be nice to be able to manipulate the AST via CMNode rather than having to use underlying cmarkNode
#45 opened by NightFlyer - 2
CMParser too restrictive
#40 opened by NightFlyer - 1
It would be nice if Core object held CMNodes
#30 opened by NightFlyer - 3
Compilation problems
#19 opened by NightFlyer - 0
- 5
Carthage problems when building Maaku
#36 opened by NightFlyer - 0
Re-enable new Xcode build system
#39 opened by KristopherGBaker - 3
- 3
Add support for gfm task lists
#16 opened by KristopherGBaker - 1
- 0
Improve NSAttributedString Support
#18 opened by KristopherGBaker - 2
Tables are not supported
#15 opened by qwsdxcqwsdxc - 3
- 2
- 1
Swift (4.1) compiler error
#8 opened by zipme