
Program a home service robot that will autonomously map an environment and navigate to pickup and deliver objects!

Primary LanguageC++


Project Objectives

The purpose of this project was to create a gazebo environment for a robot and programming a home-service robot to map its environment and independently go to pre-determined pickup and drop-off places. For this, you'll need to:

  • In Gazebo, use the Building Editor to create a robot's surroundings.

  • Teleoperate the robot and test SLAM manually.

  • Using the ROS navigation stack and the 2D Nav Goal arrow in rviz, manually direct the robot to go to two different desired positions and orientations.

  • Create a pick objects node to direct the robot to the desired pickup and drop-off locations.

  • To complete the intended home service robot implementation, change the pick objects and add markers nodes to establish communication between them.

Directory Tree and contents

├── README.md
│   ├── ... ...
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── add_markers
│   ├── include 
│   └── src
│       ├── add_markers.cpp
│       └── add_markers_demo.cpp
├── pick_objects
│   └── src
│       ├── pick_objects.cpp
│   ├──  ... ...
├── scripts
│   ├── add_marker.sh
│   ├── home_service.sh
│   ├── pick_objects.sh
│   ├── test_navigation.sh
│   └── test_slam.sh
├── slam_gmapping
│   ├── gmapping
│   |── ... ...
├── turtlebot
│   |── turtlebot_teleop
│   |── ... ...
├── turtlebot_interactions
│   |── turtlebot_rviz_launchers
│   |── ... ...
|── turtlebot_simulator
│   ├── turtlebot_gazebo
│   ├──  ... ...
├── hs_robot
│   ├── maps
│   │    ├── mymap.pmg
│   │    └──mymap.yaml
│   ├── worlds
│   │    └── maze.world
│   ├── config
│   │    └── navigation.rviz
│   ├── launch
│   │    └── navigation_rviz.launch
│   └── ...
|── ... ...

This directory represents the main project's src folder structure with following contents

  • README.md: this file.
  • images - folder with images and videos for this report
  • add_markers - add marker C++ node
  • config - folder with configuration file to specify pick-up and drop-off locations
  • map - map and gazebo world files
  • pick_objects - pick-objects C++ node
  • rvizConfig - folder with rViz configurations used with some launch scripts
  • scripts - shell scripts
    • add_marker.sh - script for testing add_marker concept with add_markers_demo.cpp
    • home_service.sh - main script for the home-service-robot
    • pick_objects.sh - script for testing pick_objects concept with pick_objects_test
    • test_navigation.sh - script for testing navigation
    • test_slam.sh - script for performing SLAM and preparing map
  • slam_gmapping - official ROS package with gmapping_demo.launch file
  • turtlebot - official ROS package with keyboard_teleop.launch file
  • turtlebot_interactions - official ROS package with view_navigation.launch file
  • turtlebot_simulator - official ROS package with turtlebot_world.launch file

Clone and Build

Since the folder presented here comprises only of ROS package, one needs to first create a catkin workspace and initialize it. Also, note that the official ROS packaged are already included here, but their dependencies need to be installed; steps for this are given below.

Within your home directory, execute the following:

mkdir -p Home-Service-Robot/src
cd Home-Service-Robot/src

Install dependencies:

rosdep -i install gmapping -y
rosdep -i install turtlebot_teleop -y
rosdep -i install turtlebot_rviz_launchers -y
rosdep -i install turtlebot_gazebo -y

NOTE: If any of the official packages give error, I recommed you delete associated folder and clone with src folder using appropriate line from here:

git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/slam_gmapping.git  
git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot.git  
git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot_interactions.git  
git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot_simulator.git

Go back to catkin workspace and build it

cd ~/ Home-Service-Robot/

Launch specific application and visualize

Specific applications can be launched using scripts provided. In this section I will go over how I have used these scripts.

Gazebo-world, SLAM test & map-creation

For my world file I started with the gazebo-world I have used in past. However, during SLAM and map preparation I realized that this world had following flaws:

  • it has very few features and a lot of open space. This leads to gmapping error with following messages:
    • Scan Matching Failed, using odometry. Likelihood=0
  • There were two carts in the model which were not fixed. So while the robot completed a loop and came back to a spot near one of the carts, the mapping algorithm was getting confused and resulting in image rotation in rviz, similar to that shown below.

For SLAM-test go to src/scripts folder and run test_slam.sh script:

cd ~/ Home-Service-Robot/src/scripts

This will launch:

  • turtlebot_world.launch to deploy turtlebot in my world with specific pose
  • gmapping_demo.launch to perform SLAM
  • view_navigation.launch to observe map in rviz
  • keyboard_teleop.launch to manually control robot

After navigating the robot around multiple times, once I was satisfied with the map appearance in comparison to the world-file, I saved it using:

rosrun map_server map_saver -f <map-location-and-name>

Localization and navigation test

For localization testing, I used test_localization.sh as follows:

cd ~/ Home-Service-Robot/src/scripts

This will launch:

  • turtlebot_world.launch to deploy turtlebot in my world with specific pose
  • amcl_demo.launch to localize turtlebot
  • view_navigation.launch to observe map in rviz

I used 2D Nav tab in rviz to manually point out to two different goals, one at a time, and direct the robot to reach them and orient itself with respect to them.

Navigation Goal Node (pick-objects)

To test robot's capability to reach multiple goals, as specified by the program (and not manually), I created pick_objects package and specifically pick_objects_test.cpp function. This can be tested following script which launches turtlebot, AMCL, rviz and pick_objects node:

cd ~/ Home-Service-Robot/src/scripts
Virtual Objects Node (add-markers)

To model a virtual object with markers in rviz, I created add_markers package and specifically add_markers.cpp function. This can be tested following script which launches turtlebot, AMCL, rviz and add_markers node:

cd ~/ Home-Service-Robot/src/scripts
Home-Service-Robot package

To simulate a full home service robot capable of navigating to pick up and deliver virtual objects, communication was established between the add_markers and pick_objects nodes via a "/goal_reached" topic. For this purpose modified versions of previous test codes were created respectively pick_objects.cpp and add_markers.cpp. The entire package can be launched using:

cd ~/ Home-Service-Robot/src/scripts