StateSpaceModels.jl is a Julia package for time-series analysis using state-space models.
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Reviews dependencies versions
#332 opened by guilhermebodin - 2
Getting DomainError when fitting some models
#313 opened by SupplyChef - 1
- 0
- 10
Can not fit MA(q)
#323 opened by shayandavoodii - 1
Holt-Winter Model
#322 opened by eoteroe - 8
Linear univariate time variant model implemented?
#321 opened by jsimons8 - 29
TagBot trigger issue
#216 opened by JuliaTagBot - 0
- 5
- 2
- 3
max_q must be strictly positive? (auto arima)
#315 opened by dazhwu - 1
Example in the Quick Start not working
#311 opened by davibarreira - 0
- 2
simulate_scenarios for BasicStructuralExplanatory fails if seasonality is not 12
#308 opened by SupplyChef - 3
BasicStructuralExplanatory works ONLY for s = 12.
#306 opened by junpei-n - 2
Possible Issue with Std.Error in SARIMA()
#304 opened by dompazz - 2
Add HPfilter
#278 opened by guilhermebodin - 0
Add examples for auto arima
#284 opened by iagochavarry - 1
Add keyword arg to ignore the hessian calculation
#292 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
Allow Polynomials v2 in [compat]
#301 opened by mapi1 - 3
LAPACKException for missing/NaN values
#299 opened by mapi1 - 5
- 10
Implement the AutoARIMA algorithm
#234 opened by guilhermebodin - 4
ExponentialSmoothing: AssertionError ub > lb
#287 opened by rschwarz - 1
Add Time varying regression TVRegression
#282 opened by guilhermebodin - 0
Scenarios of SARIMA
#285 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
Add seasonal plot recipe
#280 opened by guilhermebodin - 0
Add JuliaFormatter
#275 opened by guilhermebodin - 0
Add push_preview on deploy docs
#273 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
Implement naive and seasonal naive models
#238 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
implement principal component analysis
#247 opened by waynelapierre - 3
Possible SARIMA convergency issue
#271 opened by iagochavarry - 0
Change backtest to cross_validation
#269 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
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MethodError when calling `kalman_smoother` for `LocalLevelExplanatory`
#262 opened by raphaelsaavedra - 1
Implement Dynamic Autoregressive models
#240 opened by guilhermebodin - 0
Make an ETS that allows for all linear models
#233 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
- 3
performance question
#249 opened by waynelapierre - 3
Problem using Kalman Filter
#243 opened by ronb1000 - 2
implement auto.arima
#248 opened by waynelapierre - 1
Implement VAR
#241 opened by guilhermebodin - 9
ARIMA model
#245 opened by waynelapierre - 0
Implement a backtest procedure
#239 opened by guilhermebodin - 0
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Make Plot Recipes for simulated scenarios
#235 opened by guilhermebodin - 1
Stable documentation points to 0.3
#217 opened by guilhermebodin - 9
Local Level Model with Explanatory Variables?
#212 opened by PaulMainwood - 0
Change to github ci
#214 opened by guilhermebodin