Server for Squeezebox and compatible players. This server is also called Lyrion Music Server.
- 25
Check whether tracks are contiguous with respect to work/grouping/performance
#1269 opened by darrell-k - 1
YouTube/Mixcloud Plugin not working
#1270 opened by mothabrain - 0
Add hint on Classic screensaver configuration page if Date and Time plugin isn't installed
#1267 opened by michaelherger - 6
Registry value "DataPath" is in the wrong place
#1264 opened by APMichael - 5
Can we help users (especially new ones) confused by the change in New Music sort order
#1259 opened by mikeysas - 3
- 9
- 6
- 2
plugin wont install: raop airplay bridge
#1260 opened by mothabrain - 0
Listen same audio on two Non Syncronized Squeezebox Radios
#1257 opened by JP1965 - 6
ServerStatus.scantime is updated after every browse by folder, even if nothing changes
#1255 opened by kaaholst - 1
Hyphen in folder name makes scan crash
#1256 opened by stephanvdplas - 5
Volume control when using fixed volume with the material skin does not work
#1254 opened by bjarteskogoy - 1
Ongoing loss of Connection
#1252 opened by CreepySkyYT - 16
Radio stream without album cover - docker
#1250 opened by lexmark3200 - 2
"Abort scan" button remains after scan has completed
#1247 opened by mikecappella - 0
Support for pre-gain for files with ReplayGain tags
#1244 opened by thenktor - 3
installation with desktop firewall is impossible
#1234 opened by jkischel - 0
Fix plugin download - must wait for download to finish before restarting the server
#1242 opened by michaelherger - 6
"Une nouvelle version du Logitech Media Server et disponible..." à chaque redémarrage
#1241 opened by bawois - 3
FR: show the current song/artist in the browser title
#1226 opened by theking2 - 4
Installation Issues With Version 9.0.0-win64
#1239 opened by RMMTSLLP - 12
Genres not reset
#1230 opened by theking2 - 5
Lyrion 9.0.0: MariaDB database schema changes failed
#1236 opened by JKDingwall - 14
SBS/Lyrion incorrectly encodes title when scanning unusual Unicode characters
#1225 opened by simonltwick - 2
- 0
If item in queue can't be played, `StreamingController` doesn't recover
#1214 opened by michaelherger - 7
DISCSUBTITLE presented as Latin-1 rather than UTF-8 with international characters
#1220 opened by koldinger - 8
Modify #CURTRACK to Reset Value When Playlist Finishes
#1213 opened by w3wilkes - 14
ReadyNAS102 no longer boots
#1209 opened by 2020to20 - 5
Issue with spdr:// requestString
#1164 opened by sodface - 7
Changing "Try to recognize EPs and singles automatically" should trigger something?
#1211 opened by darrell-k - 2
Another albumsQuery contributor bug
#1205 opened by darrell-k - 1
Stopping song does not happen for local files
#1208 opened by siriusaudio - 2
noRoleFilter should mean noRoleFilter!
#1204 opened by darrell-k - 5
- 1
using my squeeze box radio on my mac mini
#1199 opened by gutniklm - 1
Request For a Fixed Setting to Be Made Configurable
#1197 opened by Paul608085 - 5
- 3
Random mix section not accepting accented name
#1188 opened by werdeil - 2
[FR] Main menu handling
#1171 opened by Haifeif - 3
- 8
Server fills the entire disk with logs
#1183 opened by tbrandysky - 17
LMS not starting after perl 5.40 update
#1174 opened by olm52 - 1
Tidal Timeout Errors
#1184 opened by Seveerl - 5
ImageProxy failing to resize web https images in now playing cover display - returning 404
#1182 opened by ericpapaluca - 1
- 1
Couldn't create command line for hls playback
#1165 opened by devdems - 5
Songs randomly being skipped, pauses/stutters/crackles
#1162 opened by Auram - 1
Any reason to not update flac to v 1.4.3 ?
#1159 opened by mikecappella