
  1. AutowareAuto repo and 3rd party packages have to stay unchanged.

  2. New packages:

    • Same paths as AutowareAuto
    • Same names as AutowareAuto with melex prefix


    • AutowareAuto package path: ~/AutowareAuto/src/mapping/ndt_mapping_nodes/launch/

    • Melex package path: ~/AutowareAuto/src/autoware_melex/mapping/melex_ndt_mapping_nodes/launch/

  3. If new package doesn't have corresponding path within AutowareAuto repo due to totally new functionality, try use one of existing directory (e.g. drivers, mapping etc.)

  4. 3rd party repos has to be cloned into external directory using vcs tool. You just need to update autoware_melex.repos file.

  5. Packages should contain file at least with three sections: description, todo, known issues.

Creating a new package even for a single parameter file seems a bit strange now. But as the package grows, it will be easier to work with autoware_melex repo if it is mirrored with AutowareAuto package.


  1. With .aderc-development config is necessary to run simulator with flag
/opt/lgsvl/simulator --hostname


  1. Install ADE.
  2. Setup ADE home and clone AutowareAuto repo
mkdir -p ~/adehome
cd ~/adehome
touch .adehome
git clone
  1. Clone autoware_melex repo
cd ~/adehome/AutowareAuto/src
git clone
  1. Set a new docker network (required by .aderc-development config)
docker network create ade_network --subnet=
  1. Build a development image (required by .aderc-development config)
cd ~/adehome/AutowareAuto/src/autoware_melex/docker
  1. Start ade with config
cd ~/adehome/AutowareAuto/src/autoware_melex
  • Option 1: on Melex:
ade --rc .aderc-melex  start  --update --enter
  • Option 2: on custom host:
ade --rc .aderc-development  start  --update --enter
  1. Import repos
cd AutowareAuto
vcs import <$ROS_DISTRO.repos
cd src/autoware_melex
vcs import < autoware_melex.repos
  1. Build workspace
cd ~/AutowareAuto
sudo apt-get update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build
  1. Load environment variables
source ~/AutowareAuto/install/setup.bash

IDE configuration

Setup IDEs using SSH with credentials (works with .aderc-development config):

  • Address:
  • Port: 22
  • Login: ade
  • Password: ade


Use remote interpreter path: /usr/bin/remote_python3 (works with .aderc-development config)


To get environments variables for CMake configuration, run ./ and use script output.