
This is the part of the Walkers library related to efficient modeling and evaluation of constraints for multi-legged walking robots.

Primary LanguageC++

Author/Maintenance: Dominik Belter

This is the part of the Walkers library related to constraints modeling and evaluation using Gaussian Mixtures.


Installation instruction was tested on Ubuntu 18.04 operating system.

The clone_deps.sh script installs all required software from repositories, clones requires libraries and compiles them:

 $ mkdir ~/Sources
 $ cd ~/Sources
 $ git clone https://github.com/LRMPUT/constraintsGM
 $ mkdir ~/Libs
 $ cd ~/Sources/constraintsGM
 $ ./scritps/clone_deps.sh

Running the application

Run ./demoVisualizer to visualize the robot:

 $ cd ~/Sources/constraintsGM/build/bin     
 $ ./demoVisualizer

Run ./robotModelGM to create GM model of the robot (kinematic margin and self-collisions):

 $ cd ~/Sources/constraintsGM/build/bin
 $ ./robotModelGM


[1] Dominik Belter, Efficient Modeling and Evaluation of Constraints in Path Planning for Multi-legged Walking Robots, 2019