
4 legged robot project of 강남Dynamics Lab

Primary LanguageC++

gdyn-legged-locomotion Travis CI status

4-Legged Robot Project of 강남Dynamics Lab


강남Dynamics Youtube Channel

How to Install

Install ROS Melodic

Follow the ros wiki or use below script if you want.

# Install ROS Melodic
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modulabs/gdyn-legged-locomotion/master/install_ros_melodic.sh \
  && chmod 755 ./install_ros_melodic.sh \
  && bash ./install_ros_melodic.sh

Install legged robot packages and their dependencies

# Download & Bulid legged robot packages
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/modulabs/gdyn-legged-locomotion.git
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-joy \
                       ros-melodic-joystick-drivers \
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ pip install cython wheel ds4drv
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make

How to Run

# Run Gazebo simulation (run_hyq.launch and run_hyq_fixed.launch are valid for now.)
$ roslaunch legged_robot_gazebo run_hyq.launch

# Run Rviz
$ roslaunch legged_robot_description hyq_view.launch

# Run GUI
$ rosrun legged_robot_gui legged_robot_gui

# Run Teleop Keyboard
$ rosrun legged_robot_teleop legged_robot_teleop_keyboard

# Run Teleop Joystick (PS4)
$ sudo ds4drv # Detailed Usage (https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/PS4-Controller)
$ roslaunch teleop_twist_joy teleop.launch
$ rosrun legged_robot_teleop legged_robot_teleop_joystick


Robot Models

We brought several robot models from the other github sites, however only hyq works in gazebo.

  1. hyq
  2. laikago, mini cheetah, quadruped (not yet)
  3. opendog (not yet)
  4. Anymal (not yet)

Papers & Online Materials

Reference papers.

  1. Construct, ROS Lecture
  2. MIT Cheetah 3
  3. MPC, MIT Cheetah 3
  4. Quadratic Programming Library, qpOASES