
Convert OSM-file to graph for contraction hierarchies

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Convert *.osm.pbf files to CSV for contraction hierarchies library


With this CLI tool you can convert *.osm.pbf (Compressed Open Street Map) file to CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file, which is used in our contraction hierarchies library. What it does:

  • Edge expansion (single edge == single vertex);
  • Handles some kind and types of restrictions:
    • Supported kind of restrictions:
      • EdgeFrom - NodeVia - EdgeTo.
    • Supported types of restrictions:
      • only_left_turn;
      • only_right_turn;
      • only_straight_on;
      • no_left_turn;
      • no_right_turn;
      • no_straight_on.
  • Saves CSV file with geom in WKT format;
  • Currently supports tags for 'highway' OSM entity only.

PRs are welcome!


Note: There is zlib support in OSM-pbf parser. If you do not want use it then disable CGO:

export CGO_ENABLED=0
# Then build osm2ch from source


osm2ch -h


Usage of osm2ch:
  -file string
        Filename of *.osm.pbf file (it has to be compressed) (default "my_graph.osm.pbf")
  -geomf string
        Format of output geometry. Expected values: wkt / geojson (default "wkt")
  -out string
        Filename of 'Comma-Separated Values' (CSV) formatted file (default "my_graph.csv")
        E.g.: if file name is 'map.csv' then 3 files will be produced: 'map.csv' (edges), 'map_vertices.csv', 'map_shortcuts.csv'
  -tags string
        Set of needed tags (separated by commas) (default "motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link,motorway_link")
  -units string
        Units of output weights. Expected values: km for kilometers / m for meters (default "km")
        Prepare contraction hierarchies? (default true)

The default list of tags is this, since usually these tags are used for routing for personal cars.


You can find example file of *.osm.pbf file in nested child /example_data.

If you want WKT format for output geometry:

osm2ch --file example_data/moscow_center_reduced.osm.pbf --out graph.csv --geomf wkt --units m --tags motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link,motorway_link --contract=true

If you want GeoJSON format for output geometry:

osm2ch --file example_data/moscow_center_reduced.osm.pbf --out graph.csv --geomf geojson --units m --tags motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link,motorway_link --contract=true

If you dont want to prepare contraction hierarchies then:

osm2ch --file example_data/moscow_center_reduced.osm.pbf --out graph.csv --geomf wkt --units m --tags motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link,motorway_link --contract=false

After that files 'graph.csv', 'graph_vertices.csv', 'graph_shortcuts.csv' will be created (or only 'graph.csv' and 'graph_vertices' if 'contract' flag is set to False).

Header of edges CSV-file is: from_vertex_id;to_vertex_id;weight;geom;was_one_way;edge_id;osm_way_from;osm_way_to;osm_way_from_source_node;osm_way_from_target_node;osm_way_to_source_node;osm_way_to_target_node

  • from_vertex_id - Generated source vertex;
  • to_vertex_id - Generated target vertex;
  • weight - Traveling cost from source to target (actually length of an edge in kilometers/meters);
  • geom - Geometry of edge (Linestring) in WKT or GeoJSON format.
  • was_one_way - Boolean value. When source OSM way was "one way" then it's true, otherwise it's false. Might be helpfull for ignore edges with WasOneWay=true when offesting overlapping two-way geometries in some GIS viewer
  • edge_id - ID of generated edge
  • osm_way_from - ID of source OSM Way
  • osm_way_to - ID of target OSM Way
  • osm_way_from_source_node - ID of first OSM Node in source OSM Way
  • osm_way_from_target_node - ID of last OSM Node in source OSM Way
  • osm_way_to_source_node - ID of first OSM Node in target OSM Way
  • osm_way_to_target_node - ID of last OSM Node in target OSM Way

Header of vertices CSV-file is: vertex_id;order_pos;importance;geom

  • vertex_id - Vertex;
  • order_pos - Order position in contraction hierarchies;
  • importance - Importance of vertex with respect to contraction hierarchies
  • geom - Geometry of vertex (Point) in WKT or GeoJSON format.

[Optional] Header of shortcuts CSV-file is: from_vertex_id;to_vertex_id;weight;via_vertex_id

  • from_vertex_id - Source vertex;
  • to_vertex_id - Target vertex;
  • weight - Traveling cost from source to target (actually length of the shortcut in kilometers/meters);
  • via_vertex_id - ID of vertex through which the shortcut exists

Now you can use this graph in contraction hierarchies library.


Thanks to paulmach for his OSM-parser written in Go.

Paulmach's license is here (it's MIT)
