
A number of helpful utilities for doing cool things with the Boston Dynamics Spot Robot!

Primary LanguagePython


A number of helpful utilities for doing cool things with the Boston Dynamics Spot Robot!


(Note: Performing the installation in a separate virtualenv or conda environment is recommended!) Users should just be able to run pip install -e . Developers should run pip install -e ".[develop]"


  • Run pip install -e ".[develop]" to install all dependencies for development.

  • You can't push directly to master. Make a new branch in this repository (don't use a fork, since that will not properly trigger the checks when you make a PR). When your code is ready for review, make a PR and request reviews from the appropriate people.

  • To merge a PR, you need at least one approval, and you have to pass the 2 checks defined in .github/workflows/ci.yml, which you can run automatically with ./run_ci_checks.sh, or individually as follows:

  • mypy .

  • pytest . --pylint -m pylint --pylint-rcfile=.spot_utils_pylintrc

  • ./run_autoformat.sh