DC Metro Metrics is a project dedicated to collecting and sharing publicly available data related to the DC WMATA Metrorail system.
- adelevie@casetext
- adunkman@18F
- ajschumacherWashington, DC
- akoy93
- Antar1011Smogon University
- avoryfaucette
- CAtoDCWashington, DC
- ConFigures
- cweemsTwilio.org
- dylanbhughes@PrefectHQ
- egeriicwETHOS Sustainability Group
- egnoriega
- emnkugler
- governmentSponsoredUSTP
- grdumasVirginia
- greglinch@industrydive
- jalbertbowdenweb platform
- jkwening
- jnpaulson
- jnschrag@axiosvisuals, @CSIS-iLab
- joshfinnieCharlotte, NC
- katerabinowitzDC
- kurtraschke@nymta
- kwkellyWashington, DC
- LeeMendelowitzWashington, DC
- mwollenweberInsomniac Technologies
- npkousen
- paolodmMcLean VA
- rouge8Pilot
- schmod@Truebill
- seankrossFred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- Southpaw018Baltimore, MD
- tmcw@val-town
- tvanantwerp@thisdot
- victoryang1
- willvanwazerWashington, DC