
Papers for CNN, object detection, keypoint detection, semantic segmentation, AutoML etc.


Classical Image Processing Algorithms

Paper Name Published time Link
Live-Wire-1992 1992 link
Normalized-Cuts 1997 stanford
Bilateral-Filter 1998 link
SIFT-1999 1999 iccv99
Mattes-Mutual-Information 2001 harvard
Non-Local-Means 2005 paper
Histogram-Modification-Framework 2009 IEEE
gPb 2010 Berkeley
CBCT-Scatter-Compensation 2011 aapm
NumPy-Nature 2020 Nature

Deep learning and its limitation, Federated Learning, Self-Supervised Learning

Paper Name Published time Link
Contrastive-Loss-Function 2006 LeCun
Nature-Deep-Learning 2015 Nature
Federated-Averaging 2016 1602.05629
Deep-Learning-Computer-Architecture-Chip-Design 2019 1911.05289
DL-Critical-Appraisal 2018 1801.00631
DL-vs-Traditional-CV 2019 1910.13796
Federated-Machine-Learning 2019 1902.04885
Federated-Learning-At-Scale 2019 1902.01046
ML-Stuck-in-a-Rut 2019 HotOS-2019
Self-supervised-representation-learning-revisited 2019 1901.09005
Momentum-Contrast 2019 1911.05722
SimCLR 2020 2002.05079

Classification models and algorithms

Model name Published time Link
AlexNet 2012 nips link
Visualization 2013 1311.2901
Inception V1 i.e. GoogLeNet 2014 1409.4842v1
Inception V2 2015 1502.03167v3
Inception V3 2015 1512.00567v3
Inception V4 2016 1602.07261v2
Xception 2016 1610.02357v3
VGG 2014 1409.1556
Spatial-Transformer-Networks 2015 1506.02025
ResNet V1 2015 1512.03385
ResNet V2 2016 1603.05027
ResNeXt 2016 1611.05431
DenseNet 2016 1608.06993
ShuffleNetV1 2017 1707.01083
ShuffleNetV2 2018 1807.11164
MobileNet 2017 1704.04861
MobileNetV2 2018 1801.04381v3
SENet 2017 1709.01507
MnasNet 2018 1807.11626
OctConv 2019 1904.0509
MobileNetV3 2019 1905.02244
EfficientNet 2019 1905.11946
ResNeSt 2020 2004.08955
Non-local NN 2017 1711.07971

Object Detetion models and algorithms

Model name Published time Link
SelectiveSearch 2012 personal link
R-CNN 2014 1311.2524v5
Fast R-CNN 2015 1504.08083v2
Faster R-CNN 2016 1506.01497
Mask R-CNN 2018 1703.06870v3
SSD 2016 1512.02325v5
Speed/accuracy trade-offs 2016 1611.10012v3
YOLOv1 2015 1506.02640
YOLO9000 2016 1612.08242
YOLOv3 2018 1804.02767
R-FCN 2016 1605.06409
Focal Loss 2017 1708.02002
Feature Pyramid Network 2017 1612.03144
CornerNet 2018 1808.01244
CenterNet 2019 1904.07850
NAS-FPN 2019 1904.07392
EfficientDet 2019 1911.09070

Semantic Segmentation

Model name Published time Link
FCN 2015 1411.4038
DeepLabV1 2015 1412.7062
DeepLabV2 2016 1606.00915
DeepLabV3 2017 1706.05587
DeepLabV3+ 2018 1802.02611
Dense-Prediction-Architecture-Search 2018 1809.04184
Auto-DeepLab 2019 1901.02985
Boundary-Loss 2018 1812.07032

Edge Detection

Model name Published time Link
HED 2015 1504.06375


Model name Published time Link
GAN 2014 1406.2661
cGAN 2014 1411.1784
DCGAN 2015 1511.06434
Improved-Techniques-for-Training-GANs 2016 1606.03498
pix2pix 2016 1611.07004
CycleGAN 2017 1703.10593

Pose Estimation

Paper Published time Link
Convolutional Pose Machines 2016 1602.00134
Part Affinity Fields 2016 1611.08050
Hand keypoint detection 2017 1704.07809
OpenPose 2018 1812.08008

Face Detection & Alignment & Recognition

Paper Published time Link
FaceNet 2015 1503.03832
MTCNN 2016 1604.02878v1
SSH 2017 1708.03979
ArcFace 2018 1801.07698
MobileFaceNet 2018 1804.07573
RetinaFace 2019 1905.00641

Inference Framework and Pruning, Quantization, Compression, AutoML

Name Published time Link
Caffe 2014 1408.5093
Knowledge-Distilling 2015 1503.02531
Learning-weights-and-connections 2015 1506.02626
Deep-Compression 2015 1510.00149
Pruning-Filters 2016 1608.08710
TVM 2018 1802.04799
Integer-Arithmetic-Inference 2018 1712.05877
Quantization 2018 1806.08342
Auto-Keras 2018 1806.10282

PCL related

Name Published time Link
PCL-Library 2011 PCL

Image Registration & Optical Flow

Name Published time Link
FlowNet 2015 1504.06852
FlowNetV2 2016 1612.01925
Geometric-Mapping-CNN 2017 1703.05593
CNN-3D-2D-Registration 2016 1507.07505
MV-3D-2D-CNN-Registration 2018 1811.11816
VoxelMorph 2018 1809.05231
X-ray-CT-Registration 2019 MICCAI2019
Weakly-Supervised-CNN-Multimodal-Registration 2018 1807.03361
POINT2 2019 1903.03896

Medical Image Processing

Name Published time Link
DRR-Siddon-1985 1985 aapm
DRR-Jacob-1998 1998 semanticscholar
DRR-GPU-deGreef-2009 2009 aapm
MRI-sCT-Generation-Review 2017 Radioation Oncology
Survey-DL-Medical 2017 1702.05747
CycleGAN-UNIT-comparison 2018 1806.07777v1
DL-Registration-Survey 2019 1903.02026
Models Genesis 2019 1908.06912
Radiomics-ML-DL 2020 aapm
Intrafractional-motion-management 2020 pubmed
UltraSound-Toolbox 2017 IEEE

CT Reconstruction

Name Published time Link
CT-Reconstruction-Evolution 2019 springer

Medical Image Segmentation

Name Published time Link
U-Net-Medical 2015 1505.04597
V-Net 2016 1606.04797
Clinically-Applicable-DL-OAR-Delineation 2019 Nature
nnU-Net 2019 1904.08128

Action Recognition and Spatial-temporal CNN

Model Published time Link
I3D 2017 1705.07750
FCN-rLSTM 2017 1707.09476
Bi-ConvLSTM 2017 1707.07890

Image Super-Resolution

Paper Published time Link
EDSR 2017 1707.02921v1
Deep image prior 2018 github.io

Crowd counting

Paper Published time Link
MCNN 2016 CVPR2016
MSCNN 2017 1702.02359


Paper Published time Link
review 2018 1811.04256


Datasets name Published time Link
MS COCO 2014 1405.0312
MPII 2014 CVPR'14
CrowdHuman 2018 1805.00123
fddb 2010 fddb
WIDER-FACE 2015 1511.06523
MS-Celeb-1M 2016 1607.08221
CV-HAZOP 2017 IJCV2017
DeepLesion 2018 SPIE
RIL-Contour 2019 Mayo


Paper Published time Link
Rethinking-Generalization 2016 1611.03530
Data-HFC-CNN 2019 1905.13545


usage paper time link
fire detection FireNet 2018 personal link
Contour-to-DICOM-RT-Structure-Set 2009 link


  1. 深度学习入门:基于Python的理论与实现
  2. 解析卷积神经网络—深度学习实践手册


  1. Keras
  2. movidius
  3. feature map
  4. tensorflow dataset
  5. tensorflow estimator
  6. tensorflow low level api - Intro
  7. tensorflow low level api - Tensors
  8. tensorflow low level api - Variables
  9. tensorflow low level api - Graphs and Sessions
  10. tensorflow low level api - Save and Restore
  11. tensorflow low level api - Control Flow
  12. caffe tutorial net-layer-blob
  13. caffe tutorial forward-backward
  14. caffe tutorial loss
  15. caffe tutorial solver
  16. caffe tutorial layers
  17. DMD orign
  18. TI-DLP
  19. Camera-Calibration-Matlab
  20. SimpleITK