
Open source Rubiks Cube ThreeJS Project

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Open-Source Project using TypeScript, Three.js and Scss.


I've got this idea by searching in my room for something I used to play with when I was young... and I found a easy Rubiks cube which was in 3x3

I wanted to make it possible to play with one virtually. So I came up with the idea of using Three.js for this project because I already had some experience with it in the past with my other Open-Source project cosmic-adventure.



npm install three


npm install sass

For the project to work: you will also need NodeJs installed.

The project turn using the vite vanilla-ts

How is it working

1. The colors of the cube

The variable colors which is a array of 6 numbers in hexadecimal form for the faces of the cube

let colors: number[] = [0xFF521B, 0xC3423F, 0xF5E6E8, 0xFDE74C, 0x5BC0EB, 0x9BC53D];

To show you how the cube is acting:

  • the right is the orange
  • the left is the red
  • the top is the white
  • the bottom is the yellow
  • the front is the blue
  • the back is the green

The array of the colors is [right, left, top, bottom, front, back]

The colors are set after with a simple variable named cubeMaterials which is a array of THREE.MeshBasicMaterial

let cubeMaterials: THREE.MeshBasicMaterial[] = [
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: colors[0], map: texture}),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: colors[1], map: texture}),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: colors[2], map: texture}),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: colors[3], map: texture}),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: colors[4], map: texture}),
    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: colors[5], map: texture})

2. The Cube

The cube is made with help of 3 for loops i, j and k. To place the cubes I use the xPos, yPos and zPos:

let [xPos, yPos, zPos]: number[] = [cubeSize * (i - 1), cubeSize * (j - 1), cubeSize * (k - 1)];

for the cubeGeometry, I used the variable cubeSize which is at 1:

let cubeGeometry: THREE.BoxGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize);

So if you want to change the size of the cube or you want to make it bigger you can use these 2 variables:

let cubeSize: number = 1;
let cubeCount: number = 3;

If you decrease the cubeCount to 2: it becomes a 2x2 rubiks cube.

If you increase the cubeCount to 4: it becomes a 4x4 rubiks cube.

For the the cubeSize variable it's to make simply the cube Bigger.

3. The Rotation

For the rotation I used 3 vectors:

  • for the X axis
  • for the Y axis
  • for the Z axis
const [Vec1, Vec2, Vec3] = [new THREE.Vector3(turn, 0, 0), new THREE.Vector3(0, turn, 0), new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, turn)];

The turn argument from the function CubeRotator() can only take numbers which are 1 or -1

  • If it's a 1: the cube is rotation from top to bottom if clicked on the upper arrow
  • If it's a -1: the cube is rotation from bottom to top if clicked on the upper arrow

To Move them they're put into variables: to show you how its mapped:

  • The red side is called leftCubesX
  • The yellow side is called middleCubesX
  • The green side is called rightCubesX

  • The blue side is called rightCubesY
  • The magenta side is called middleCubesY
  • The dark red side is called leftCubesY

The Z one are form the back the same combinations than red, yellow and green. He's never used.