- 0
Finish review screen
#126 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Temporary Agent affidavit has inconsistent and cut off text in the output PDF
#125 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Edit logic and/or language for parent question
#124 opened by RamiLorca - 1
Meta: add a comprehensive review screen
#57 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Redundant parent question
#123 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Parental Participation Error
#115 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Service fee isn't pre-selected when you ask to waive fees in petition for guardianship
#117 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Restore the original court form that says mother/father (need to check email to see which form we had edited)
#110 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Parental Consent Review Screen
#116 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Replace Care and Custody Affidavit
#114 opened by RamiLorca - 1
List of parties has repeats and errors
#97 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Launch checklist
#99 opened by nonprofittechy - 2
Anywhere we ask for a phone number, should the form use `.phone_numbers()` in the attachment block?
#75 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Rename the notice_of_appearance_and_objection_standalone to "parental_participation.yml" (or similar)
#100 opened by nonprofittechy - 4
Who is asking to change or remove the guardian? | In terms of keeping language inclusive, I think this is an area where we may not need the “specific relationship” question to be a required field.
#63 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Out of order petitioner screens + error screen
#106 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Do a plain language audit / pass
#84 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Get triage interview from Jenny
#108 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
- 2
- 0
Finish Review Screen
#104 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Edit question language according to user
#105 opened by RamiLorca - 1
Should we ask to waive the cost of service on affidavit of indigency (for sheriff service?)
#71 opened by nonprofittechy - 1
Is "brief explanation" correct advice, or should we add an addendum for why the petitioner wants a guardian?
#76 opened by nonprofittechy - 2
Should we generate some documents as placeholders or only when we know they will be used?
#70 opened by nonprofittechy - 1
- 0
Make phone numbers optional
#90 opened by RamiLorca - 0
- 1
- 0
Fix empty address option for second parent
#92 opened by RamiLorca - 0
Redundant guardian question
#95 opened by RamiLorca - 0
- 0
Review your answers | The language here is “user” “other custodian” etc – maybe just update to reflect actual language of question if possible
#56 opened by nonprofittechy - 1
- 1
- 1
How many Notarized Waiver and Consent to Petition for Guardianship forms do we produce?
#67 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Meta: ensure all of the paths are complete and assemble the correct forms
#82 opened by nonprofittechy - 1
Removal of Guardian - Make sure correct people appearing in Military Affidavit
#85 opened by RamiLorca - 2
- 1
Petition for Removal of Guardian of Minor (MPC 240) | The way this first sentence is broken up is confusing/unclear: “If:you or a child you know or are related to has a court-appointed guardian, andyou have a reason that the guardian should be removed or replaced,You can use this interview to ask the court to remove the guardian, or to name a new guardian.”Maybe just “This form can help you if you are involved in a guardianship of a minor and believe that the guardian should be replaced or removed. You can use this form to end the guardianship or to replace the guardian.”
#60 opened by nonprofittechy - 1
“What is your case number” | The other forms used Docket number, which makes sense for consistency and would make it easier for litigant to find it Agreed. This should also be a required field and refer people in the instructions to review paperwork relating to the initial guardianship matter. – DW
#62 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
“Which parent will be taking responsibility for the child” | You can select that the child should go back to being taken care of by either one or both parents. If you select one parent, the form still asks for the name of the second parent. What if paternity has not been adjudicated or some other scenario. It asks for the other parent’s address, again what if the petitioner does not have this information.Agreed, and there is not place on the face of the form to add that information. It only requires one parent.Additionally, if I select that I am the parent filing, I am still required to fill out this section even though I gave my contact info already. It shouldn’t require a parent to fill it out again
#64 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
File a petition for the removal of a guardian of a minor: CourtFormsOnline | There doesn’t seem to be a consistent formatting of titles – I think that would be helpful for folks (ie. some titles have the MPC codes and just the title of the document while other are a sentence, as is here.) – DW
#59 opened by nonprofittechy - 3
Are you the attorney? | While it does say attorney at the bottom of the form, I believe a pro se party is still required to fill out the signature block a the petitioner.
#65 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
- 0
- 0
You may qualify for a fee waiver | A petition to appoint a guardian is free - there is no fee associated with filing. This page should be removed. –DW
#54 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Do you want to add an additional request? (this follows after answering yes to whether someone is also filing for Conservatorship - | Not clear what is meant by additional requestI agree that it isn’t clear, but the petition isn’t clear what is meant (if anything) to be included here. It just gives a person space to put more “requests.” I haven’t seen it used before, so I don’t know what help text would be appropriate. –DWAlso would the logic of the conservatorship questions change if there was already a conservator or whether one was still being sought?
#53 opened by nonprofittechy - 1
Make navigation sections black?
#66 opened by nonprofittechy - 0
Your form is ready to download and deliver | I was surprised to see that the Notice of Appearance and Objection was listed as one of the documents I could print. More surprising is that it was completed with the same answers I gave when I tested that form before this one. How did it know to connect the two forms?
#55 opened by nonprofittechy