
We introduce DistillNeRF, a generalizable model for 3D scene representation, self-supervised by natural sensor streams along with distillation from offline NeRFs and vision foundation models. It supports rendering RGB, depth, and foundation feature images, without test-time per-scene optimization, and enables downstream tasks such as zero-shot 3D semantic occupancy prediction and open-vocabulary text queries.

DistillNeRF overview

See more introductions and demos in this Doc.


  • Release the code
  • Release the trained model weight (coming soon🚀)
  • Release the depths and RGB images used in the paper for distillation from offline per-scene NeRF (coming soon🚀)


Our code is developed on Ubuntu 22.04 using Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.13.1+cu116. Please note that the code has only been tested with these specified versions. We recommend using conda for the installation of dependencies.

Create the distillnerf conda environment and install all dependencies:

conda create -n distillnerf python=3.8 -y
conda activate distillnerf

NuScenes Dataset preparation

The NuScenes dataset is a popular autonomous driving dataset. Follow the steps below to set it up and prepare it for use:

  1. Download NuScenes Data

The dataset can be downloaded from the NuScenes official website. Once downloaded, unzip it and place it at your favored place.

  1. Setup Directories

Create directories for NuScenes data, and create a symbolic link to your saved Nuscenes data (symbolic link makes my life easier, I like it)

cd $DistillNeRF_Repo
mkdir -p data/nuscenes
ln -s $PATH_TO_NUSCENES data/nuscenes
  1. Preprocess data for mmdetection3d

For NuScenes mini set, run

python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0-mini

For NuScenes full set, run

python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0
  1. Download Sky Masks

Sky masks help in addressing the ill-defined depth for sky. Download the sky masks from the provided Google Drive link (link temporarily removed for anonymous purposes) and unzip them in the data/nuscenes/ directory.

  1. Prepare depth images for distillation

    In this paper, we train offline per-scene NeRF, render depth images and save them to the data/nuscenes/ directory. We'll release the depth images used in our paper soon.

    In this repo, we also prepare some temporary data, so that at least you can run through the code. To do that, download this Temporary File (link temporarily removed for anonymous purposes) and place it at the root directory of the repo. We have changed the SKIP_MISSING parameter in the dataset config (e.g. to be True, so that the dataloader will load these temporary data files. When you start to train your model, turn SKIP_MISSING to be False, to avid data mis-load.

  2. Download some auxiliary models

    Download Auxiliary Models (link temporarily removed for anonymous purposes) used during training the model (e.g. semantic segmentation for sky masks online generation)

Once done, you're all set to integrate and use the NuScenes dataset in your project!

Run code

Here we provide scripts to visualize the data/predictions. If you're running the model locally with limited compute, you could append this line of argments after your script (after --cfg-options), so that the model only loads 1 camera instead of 6 cameras, which should be runnable in most machines.

model.num_camera=1 data.train.subselect_group_num=1 data.val.subselect_group_num=1 data.test.subselect_group_num=1

Data Inspection

Before initiating the training, you might want to inspect the data and some initial predictions from our model. We've included scripts for visualizing the them.

  1. visualize images

To run through the one DistillNeRF model (incorporating parameterized space and depth distillation), use

python tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ --seed 0 --work-dir=../work_dir_debug --cfg-options model.visualize_imgs=True

Sample scripts for more models can be found in sample_scripts/visualize_images

  1. visualize voxels

To run through the one DistillNeRF model (incorporating parameterized space and depth distillation), use

python tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ --seed 0 --work-dir=../work_dir_debug --cfg-options model.visualize_voxels=True

where we simply enable visualize_voxels to be True, instead of visualize_images. Sample scripts for more models can be found in sample_scripts/visualize_voxels


  1. Wandb setup (optional)

Before start training, you may want to set up the wandb in order to log the metrics/predictions.

You can run the script wandb online or wandb offline to choose wheter the logs will be uploaded to the cloud or saved locall.

To set up your wandb account, you can follow the wandb prompt after you launch training. You can also uncomment these lines in tools/ and add you WANDB_API_KEY in advance.

os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "online"
  1. Training script

To run through one DistillNeRF model (incorporating parameterized space and depth distillation), use

python tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ --seed 0 --work-dir=../work_dir_debug

For more examples, refer to the sample_scripts/training.

Visualizations with trained models

  • We will release all pretrained models soon, thus you can inspect the visualize predictions from our model.

After you obtain a trained model, we provide additional scripts to visualize the images and voxels, and also novel view synthesis.

Running the commands below will save the visualization into a default directory. You can choose to not save the visualization by appending model.save_visualized_imgs=False to your command, and change the saving directory by appending model.vis_save_directory=YOUR_VIS_DIR.

  1. visualize images

To run through one DistillNeRF model (incorporating parameterized space and depth distillation), use

python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_imgs=True

For more examples, refer to the sample_scripts/visualization_images_with_model.

  1. visualize voxels To run through one DistillNeRF model (incorporating parameterized space and depth distillation), use
python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_voxels=True

For more examples, refer to the sample_scripts/visualization_voxels_with_model.

  1. foundation model feature visualization

To visvualize DINO feature, run

python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model_linearspace_dino.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_foundation_model_feat=True 

To visvualize CLIP feature, run

python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model_linearspace_clip.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_foundation_model_feat=True 
  1. open-vocabulary query

To conduct open-vocabulary query, use

python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model_linearspace_clip.pth --cfg-options model.language_query=True 
  1. novel-view synthesis - RGB

To run through one DistillNeRF model (incorporating depth distillation), use

python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model**.pth** --cfg-options model.visualize_imgs=True

To run through one DistillNeRF model (incorporating depth distillation, and virtual camera distillation), use

python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model_linearspace_virtual_cam.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_imgs=True

The scripts above will generate 3 novel views. To generate more novel views and create a video, use this command

. ./tools/

Note that you need to choose with model you want to use, by commenting and uncommenting in ./tools/

  1. novel-view synthesis - foundation model feature

To generate the novel view of DINO feature, use

    python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model_linearspace_dino.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_foundation_model_feat=True 

To generate the novel view of CLIP feature, use

    python ./tools/ ./project/configs/model_wrapper/ ./checkpoint/model_linearspace_clip.pth --cfg-options model.visualize_foundation_model_feat=True 

Again, the scripts above will generate 3 novel views. To generate more novel views and create a video, use this command

. ./tools/

Note that you need to choose with model you want to use, by commenting and uncommenting in ./tools/


This implementation is based on the following codebase. Thanks for the great works!


All Rights Reserved

Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Proprietary and Confidential

This file is proprietary and confidential. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

External Licence

Note that one of our dependencies, lyft-dataset-sdk, is under a more restrictive non-commercial license. Usage of this file must comply with the non-commercial terms of the lyft-dataset-sdk license. We would consider remove this dependency later.