
Color Blending for NA values in `vis_clus`

boyiguo1 opened this issue · 3 comments

If I understand correctly, the color blending for NA values are not implemented in vis_clus yet.

scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +

Referencing to vis_gene, I think the implementation for vis_clus should be fairly easy, by adding na.value = "#CCCCCC40" to scale_fill_manual function

Also, currently, there is no way to change the fill value for NA in clustervar from the default dark grey to anything else using the colors argument, unless to manually create a level for NA in clustervar

Yes, that's true that you would need to some workarounds to control the color of NA values.

@boyiguo1, version 1.13.6 now implements the na_color option on vis_clus_p(), vis_clus(), and vis_grid_clus().